Wrong Paper?
Y'know, reading this article made me wonder if I had inadvertently switched to the Daily Heil.
13 publicly visible posts • joined 29 Jun 2010
Quote: Press <ALT> <V> then under the <Toolbars> option check-mark <Menu> and there you go! All options readily available again!
Nope, they aren't. In fact if you " Press <ALT> <V>" absolutely sod-all happens. No " <Toolbars> option" nothing, nada, nix, nowt, zilch, zero, f all !!!
So what numpty decided it would be a great idea to eliminate the address bar and all navigation buttons?
Do we no longer use URL's? Do we no longer need to say, go back a page or reload a page?
Have I been asleep for a long time and these things have all changed and I missed it?
So, it would appear, that unless you already had it bookmarked you can no longer navigate to anywhere.
Oh and I used to have infoRSS feed running along as a ticker in my add-on bar, but that too has been eliminated. Been through all the 'customise' options and nothing in there to get any of these things back.
I am not a person normally given to swearing but this ********* ****** *********** has just ******** me right off.
Hmmm, interesting.
I was victim of an attempted MOT scam. You know the very common kind, where the garage gives a list of false "failings" to hopefully generate revenue from the work. Instantly knew it was wrong and withdrew the car, took it to another 'honest' garage who passed it - no work necessary.
So I had all the documentation, false fail and pass to back me up.
Went to YELP and found a wonderfully glorious praising review of the scammers. So I wrote my own honest review of what had happened, to balance things out.
Guess what, my honest review was blocked, the other dishonest one was retained.
Moral of the tale? YELP isn't going to bite the hand that feeds it.
With this Tory government (+ some hangers-on to shield the flack) you've got no chance of giving any teeth to the ASA.
Its called "Free Enterprise" and they applaud it.
aka . . . con anyone, with anything, at any time, and this bunch will give you a pat on the back for it. What the hell do you think they MEAN when they talk about de-regulation?
Its a crooks and con-men's charter.