Don't tase me bro
108 publicly visible posts • joined 31 May 2007
James T was the only person in Starfleet academy to win the "no-win" scenario. He reprogrammed the computer. Does that ball of teenage angst look like the guy who pulled off that stunt?
And Spock would have calmed down a lot before joining a crew, he served under Cpt Pike before James T took over.
Also, after they qualified, they would not be given a ship and sent on their merry way. They would have been ensigned to other vessels and would have been learning there.
Its too teenage, but I will watch it regardless
"Someone from another country will be taking your job instead - still think that would be an improvement?"
Not if it needs a physical presence. Remote support will only work while the network is up. Code monkeys needs to worry, anything else that needs face to face customer services will not.
Having worked as a "temp" (Via M*npower) for a Big Blue IT company, I can say this law is good. We were full time staff, but were paid considerably less than the permies (permies got an average of 30% more), and got a lot less in benefits.
The only ones who will complain are those that hire "temps" for longer than 3 months. Day one is too soon, but 3 months is about right for the benefits to kick in.
Either the worker is a temp (and leaves in 3 months), a contractor (and has a fixed term contract) or a staff member.
"FreeAgent Go Drive -$120 for 250GB, $150 for 320GB and $2340 for 500GB. "
How much?
"FreeAgent Desk Drive - $130 for 500GB, $150 for 640GB, $230 for 1TB and $280 for 1.5TB (available in October 2008).
FreeAgent XTreme Drive - $159.99 for 500GB, $179.99 for 640GB, $259.99 for 1TB and $299.99 for 1.5TB (available in October 2008. "
Who is going to buy the Go for $2340 when you can get the Desk Drive for $130 or the Xtreme for $159
"He probably ment is your ADSL connection based on a BT (PSTN) fixed line or a cable connetion. This is a perfectly reasonable question. Its no different to saying is your ISP Pipex (BT PSTN Fixed Line) or Virgin (Cable)"
ADSL = phone
DSL, or more correctly Cable = cable
"Earlier this month the Confederation of British Industry (CBI) said that Britain’s brightest kids should be required to study three separate science courses in secondary school to offset a shortage of employees in the IT and science sectors."
Perhaps the CBI could provide incentive by paying good salaries for these positions?
"There are lots of where photographers' activities might arouse the interest of the police. For example if there was someone outside your childrens school playground snapping away wouldn't you want to know why?"
You have no right to. What you are implying is the whole paedophile angle. Most kiddy fiddlers are parents, family, or close family friends.
The photographer could have seen something that made a nice shot, maybe a "children at play" or "chavs in training" or such like.
"Kids on a school field are not considered to be in a public space, instead, they're on private property - a school. As such, you cannot take their photographs without permission of the landowner."
Only if the photographer is on the land itself, not on the street.
"Photographing Buildings, Football Grounds and Interiors
Property owners have no right to stop people taking photos of their buildings, so long as the photographer is standing in a public place (e.g. the road outside)."
"UK laws are fairly vague when it comes to defining what constitutes an invasion of privacy, but while street shots should cause no problem, you might get in hot water if you're strapping on colossal telephoto lens and zooming in on folks stripping off in their bathrooms - even if you are snapping from a public place.
The key seems to be whether the subject would have a reasonable expectation of privacy - a statement that seems vague enough to keep a team of lawyers gainfully employed for some time"
So unless there is signage up stating a local organdance forbids photos, there is no law against it.
It seems you missed the comment made that of drugs were legal, druggies would not do crime to get their fix. I was simply pointing out that shoes are legal and people still get knifed over them.
Now, couple that with a physical and psychological dependancy, and druggies will still be robbing and killing for their fix.
It seems the middle class users on this board think that all druggies are like them. Well when the middle class users use enough of it and their performance suffers, and they get slung out of their jobs, then they will be robbing for their fix.
Yes, not everyone does become a junkie, but enough people do.
As I said before, you can spot the users when they come out to bat...
"Drug smuggling is a victimless "crime", and I use the word crime in inverted commas because I believe in drug legalisation and victimless because we all make our choices in life, and yet paedophilia is the ultimate victim orientated crime."
Tell that to the peson who caught a knife in the lungs because a (jobless) addicted needed money for his next fix. Tell that to the parent who finds the corpse of their kid.
That's a great idea. Pay the £10, let them show you if they have any evidence.
With Tiscali, do you think they would have the info in a month? Nope, so its fine time for them. Ditto for emailing thesir support and asking for the address of their Data Protection Officer. Don't provide it, then a complaint to the Information Commissioner goes in.
I'm tempted to go down this route anyway, just to see what they have on me.
you have a transcript of the call? This is how it went down?
Or was it:
"one moment I need to transfer you" etc, etc, etc
"At what point when you're told that nobody can help you at that time of the evening do you accept what you are being told?"
right at the beginning. At what point do you trust the company to actually phone you back at a time you can talk to them. IE not in the middle of your working day?
and why are you ACing over such a mundane post?
A maximum 48 hour week, with a written opt-out that can be taken back = good.
Allowing companies to have more than 48 hour weeks as standard = bad.
a 50hr week is 10 hours a day at work,+1 hour lunch, +2 hours travel + 8 hours sleep, which means 21 out of 24 hours is used up. Add 1 hour for getting ready and eating in the morning, and an hour dinner and bathing, that leaves 1 hour a day for yourself. If the trains are screwed, it means you get less sleep. Marvellous.
The flame, because a 50 hour week leads to burnout, broken relationships, and an early death due to a heart attack
"Our goal is to deliver a superb user experience while making it simple and cost-effective for device manufacturers to be able to bring their devices to the consumer market place," stated Ubuntu founder Mark Shuttleworth.
in other words he is going to sell it to device manufacturers. Nice of all the ubantus to give free time fixing his OS, the one that he will be selling.
Paris, because she isn't free either
I called Npowers 08 number when they incorrectly billed me. I mentioned getting a refund for the 08 number and they sent me £5 which was well over the amount I rung up (+-£0.60 - £1).
Well done Npower.
I also raised a complaint to my MP re 08 numbers and Inland Revenue. One number answers the call then says its too busy. That costs 8p a time.
I don't use the phone a lot. I have my old Sagem MY-X5 on Tesco mobile (used £15 in 3 months), and when I upgrade, I want a smartphone, in particular the HTC Kaiser.
Orange have the handset, but charge far too much for data
3 want £30/month for the Nokia, thats too much.
T Mobile have the best data charges, but the handset is their Micky Mouse branded Kaiser. Even then on a decent package for me it would cost £120.
The handset on its own is £450, and when not getting a phone with airtime packages, its too expensive. I will keep my Sagem.
"Banning the lasers just means that the idiots will find some other source of amusement - throwing rocks off bridges for example. And what will the gov't do then - ban rocks??"
I said the same about the imitation gun ban. I would rather have a mugger point a toy gun at me and me be scared, than him point a knife at me.
Lasers are already covered by law, and causing damage/dazzling is a lot more complex than most people think.
Most pointed are less than class 3B
Its no longer worth using e-bay to sell smaller/cheap items
10p-50p insertion fee
15p for a gallery
7.5% of final price to e-bay
then paypals 3%
so on a £5 item you pay:
25-40p+ 50p
Almost 20% disappearing to them. I don't know how anyone could sell items for 99p, its just not worth the effort in listing them
To add to that, the fuckers at paypal even took that 3% from a refund I was given. Its impossible to talk to anyone there too, and if ever someone does bother replying its just a "fuck you" letter/response.