I think you've confused the names of the rocket and engines, from what I have read the engine is called Rutherford and the rocket is called Electron.
Posts by Vaughan 1
20 publicly visible posts • joined 22 Jun 2010
Kiwi Rocket Lab to build SUPER-CHEAP sat launchers (anyone know 30 rocket scientists?)
PROOF the Apple iPhone 6 rumor mill hype-gasm has reached its logical conclusion
NSW budget calls for lower GST threshold on imports
Kim Dotcom: You give me proof of govt corruption in my case, I give you millions
I'm not saying if it was right or wrong but my understanding is that they want him for more than just copyright infringement. IIRC there were conspiracy charges and money laundering as well but he has managed the PR so well on this that it is about the big bad studios stomping on the little (well not so little) guy.
The amount he pops up in the news over here is ridiculous, keeps promising all sorts of things or is in court over one thing or another. His political party is a joke, he has formed an alliance with a far left party just to work our MMP system to get a far left politician (he picked as the leader of his Internet Party) in to parliament to do his dirty work. Hopefully come September the voters realise what a joke this is and they get nowhere near parliament.
LA air traffic meltdown: System simply 'RAN OUT OF MEMORY'
Re: 60k wan't a guess
Another article I read on this suggested that the problem was that the flight plan had been filed under VFR and the system was trying to route the U2 down to 10000ft as that is the limit for VFR flying. It was the quantity of changes to other flights in getting it down to 10000ft that overwhelmed the computer.
Feds smash internet drug bazaar Silk Road, say they'll KEELHAUL 'Dread Pirate Roberts'
Kim Dotcom quits Mega to head new political party, fight extradition
Boffins, Tunnel Tigers and Scotland's world-first power mountain
Australia gets a space strategy
Russia slashes space station ship trip to just six hours
Drones, sub-hunting planes to attack cyber-Chinese army
Australia, US agree to space junk talks
NASA unveils its chosen Shuttle successor
LightSquared offers low-power olive branch to GPS
Re: Somebody doesn't know math I believe!
The lightsquared signal might only be -30dBm but the signal strength of the GPS signals is somewhere around -120dBm, which is a huge difference. The problem is that the lightsquared signal will saturate the input filters of the GPS Rx causing loss of signal.
Apple TV stripdown reveals mystery solder pads
More likely test interface
Looking at the high res photos on iFixit of the dock connector pads it looks like they are used for bed of nails type testing during production as you can see clearly small needle like marks on each pad. This does make sense in that for development they can fit a dock connector to make things easy but then remove it in production, relying on a bed of nails setup.
It also looks like the dock connector might clash with the screw hole beside it as the plug appears wider than the footprint for the connector.