I don't get it
One of my email addresses is reported as being pwned.
I then go to the password look-up and enter one of several passwords I use and they aren't found.
So, how can my email address be pwned if my password can't be found?
33 publicly visible posts • joined 22 Jun 2010
"I have to wonder if the reason for fail is (another example of) Micro-shaft NOT following the RFC's..."
You'd have thought that some muppet in Apple might just have thought about testing iOS 11 properly... Nothing to do with Microsoft - it's apple's product and they're responsible for it.
Just another fanboy who will blame M$ even though it's Apple's fault. Sheesh
"After all, the money a company makes eventually gets distributed, either into dividends or salaries of the employees or by purchasing components etc. Each time it gets distributed, it get taxed."
Er no, that's why Apple has billions of dollars in the bank....it hasn't been distributed at all.
You'd have thought that someone in RaspberryPi would've had a definitive answer about requiring CE certification *before* they tried selling them.
Their whole launch has been a fiasco - only the Brits (of which I'm one) can come up with a good idea and then really screw it up!
Now I know where they got the idea for the name "Raspberry"...
But I thought Apple could do no wrong. I was lead to believe, following numerous reg articles, that only Microshat releases stuff that is buggy, incomplete and/or frequently doesn't work.
I've recently discovered the joys of something called a pen and paper. So little down-time using said articles.