* Posts by xS9

4 publicly visible posts • joined 21 Jun 2010

US cops make 'first ever' Bitcoin seizure following house raid


Re: How does one seize a virtual coin?

Nope it's purely a P2P managed currency, so it can't be revoked centrally.

The Police would either have to be sure

- He doesn't have a backup of the wallet keychain elsewhere (they could never be sure)

- Be able to break his wallet password and transfer for the funds to a wallet they own.

I'd imagine if you were into organised crime you'd have your digital wallet in a few places and someone else would be able to move that currency out of there pronto if anything happend.

Public cloud will grow when experienced IT folks DIE


Sorry what?

10/10 for bias reporting.

Cloud isn't a technology, it's an ABSTRACTION layer of the technology underneath.

In all honesty, "kids" coming through wanting to just "spin up" VM's and talk about infrastructure at a high level doesn't remove the existing technical expertise underneath required to underpin it.

It's all very well the likes of Rackspace preaching about Cloud, but from experience they have NO IDEA what so ever about segregation of data, cryptographic controls, secure DMZ environments and they never will, because the clever guys cost money, and hosting companies don't pay top money!

Youth jailed for not handing over encryption password


Same Crime Twice?

I maybe completely wrong here,

But you can't be convicted of the same crime twice? If he has been convicted for not providing the password for a certain file... he can't be convicted for the same crime again?

Apple accused of hushing up security update


Sophos Marketing Campaign...


Microsoft Fanboys vs. Apple Fanboys all over again.

I think you'll find this is a commericially motivated article, I would take it with a pinch of salt. All operating systems have vunerabilities, it's human written code and logic, there will ALWAYS be a flaw somewhere!

As someone has previously commented, as Apple continue to pioneer the home electronics market, malware writers will start to focus on OSX aswell.

With regards to bashing Windows for it's previous security history, true, very true, Windows XP pre-service pack 1 days was in a nutshell dreadful, but generally things have been tightened up since.