* Posts by Christopher 1

6 publicly visible posts • joined 21 Jun 2010

Sony distribution centre engulfed by fire

Christopher 1

Nintendo Sony team-up confirmed by bashed bloke!

"Holding a bunch of Sony stuff, like Wii Consoles..." Wait, what...?

Apple ignores dozens of iCloud domains

Christopher 1

Mr. Bojangles

... is really a girl!

Ahh, SNL jokes :P

US robot ornithopter spy-hummingbird in flight test triumph

Christopher 1

@Martin Budden

I dunno, that might be highly effective. If someone was reporting a flying horse to their higher ups, I wouldn't tend to put much stock in it.

Apple I goes for twice the price of an Enigma

Christopher 1

Get in line!

I've got to flog my Lisa first!

I need the money for my chiropractor after I tried to heft it onto the counter.

Apple swaps good iPhones for bad, say fanbois

Christopher 1

Not a single issue with my July shipment iPhone...

I've not had issue one with my iPhone, but then I was in the second wave of shipments, so they may well have done some corrective fixes, or indeed it could have been a bad Lot that shipped on the launch day. Either way, been having a great time with this Shiny, Black Obelisk.

Beer because well... Beer!

iPhone mag-stripe reader stalled

Christopher 1


I like the card readers that Apple uses in their stores. They fit with the 'i-device' and the swipe is along the long edge, which makes me happier than some flimsy sugarcube along the short edge!