* Posts by WilliamB

3 publicly visible posts • joined 17 Jun 2010

Scientologist overlord declares victory over Anonymous


Anonymous isn't

Too many comments, and even articles, assume that "Anonymous" is a group in some traditional sense, with leaders, plans, intentions, members.

Hence comments and articles link the pro-WikiLeaks people with the anti-Scientology people and any other protest anywhere on the Internet.

There is no "Anonymous" in that sense.

It's silly to keep pretending there is.

Originally, there was a group of people associated with 4chan that called itself "Anonymous", and it was loosely organized in that forum. But they have mostly disavowed "Chanology". Since the "Chanology" schism, the "group" Anonymous has fractured much farther. Now, ANY protest on the Internet is immediately associated with "Anonymous" as if there were a group there planning all this stuff.

Stop making the stupid assumption that there IS such a group that "is behind" ALL protests. Each protest is composed of folks who, at that moment, feel strongly about that subject. Each protest is different, potentially involving completely different people.

Googlegate: Mapping a scandal of global proportions



"ffs read the article... he states the 2 laws that have been broken..."

ORLY? You think so? Which laws?

He did not. He stated "that" laws were broken, but gave absolutely no facts or specifics.

Sorry, vague accusations about mythical laws does not count. There are no laws that I know of that forbid picking up publicly broadcast transmissions in passing.

If you think there ARE such laws, then you'd better turn in your radio, because YOU are "violating" those mythical laws.



In what way was it "illegal"? Please cite the "law" that was violated here.

They intercepted unencrypted information from publicly accessible broadcast devices. ANYONE and everyone can listen in - and everyone knows this. It's like listening to any other low-power radio devices such as walkie-talkies.

It is BROADCAST. There can be no "expectation of privacy" when you broadcast it.