I suspect
The powers that be, in whatever country you care to name will never step away from trying to extend their powers over their citizens personal,private even intimate data.
They can't, their mindset doesn't allow the idea that they can never win this type of arms race.
They have...
Australia Australian Secret Intelligence Service
Australian Signals Directorate
Defence Intelligence Organisation
Canada Chief of Defence Intelligence
Communications Security Establishment
Canadian Security Intelligence Service
New Zealand Directorate of Defence Intelligence and Security
Government Communications Security Bureau
New Zealand Security Intelligence Service
United Kingdom Defence Intelligence
Government Communications Headquarters GCHQ
The Security Service MI5 Security intelligence
Secret Intelligence Service MI6
United States Central Intelligence Agency
Defense Intelligence Agency DIA Defense Intelligence
Federal Bureau of Investigation FBI Security intelligence
National Security Agency
Multiply that a hundred fold to cover the rest of the worlds governments.
They have money,power and like the five eyes network; links to other intel organizations around the world.
And what do we, poor Joe public have.
100/1, 1000/1, 10000/1 doesn't even begin to cover the difference in resources between the two sides.
They brought a gun, we brought an Orbital Ion Cannon.
Sorry guys, It'll take a while but you've already lost.