* Posts by Queeg

130 publicly visible posts • joined 17 Jun 2010


Version 0.1 super-stars built the universe – and they lived all the way over there, boffins point


Re: God is bigger than the Bible

Still waiting for someone to find the missing first page of the Bible.

"All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental."

Religion HA!

An over-engineered candle for those still afraid of the dark.

Voyager 2 'stopped' last week, and not just for maintenance


Shouldn't be long before...

The Psychlos get hold of the probe and come and wipe most of us out.

Any chance of El Reg flogging Salt Filters along with the nuclear keyrings?

Chap mines Bitcoin with PUNCH CARDS and ancient mainframe


Oh God!

Nostalia moment.

I wrote my first code on that beast.

Ah,the times they are a changing.

Mature mainframe madness prints Mandlebrot fractal in TWELVE MINUTES


Punched Cards

God, that takes me back.......I remember debugging a print run for The Mona Lisa.

Trays and trays of the things.

I had a LOT of patience then.

Bulk comms spying is not mission creep, insists UK foreign sec


So, after all the reviews and investigations not to mention the court cases (don't mention human rights...they're listening).

What we'll finally end up with is a statement something like...

"After due consideration, the ministry for magi...".oops hang on that's for non-muggles.

"After due consideration, and taking into account the public's reasonable concerns

the Government has decided on the following action.

We will continue to spy on you and share your personal/private and

intimate information with all and sundry.

We will however tell you we are doing it on a monthly schedule.

This we believe covers the Governments responsibility in regards to Government transparency.

"this statement has been brought to you by the DfIaS (Dept for Information and Shrooming) keep em in the dark and feed them horseshit."






See told ya


So, after all the reviews and investigations not to mention the court cases (don't mention human rights...they're listening).

What we'll finally end up with is a statement something like...

"After due consideration, the ministry for magi...".oops hang on that's for non-muggles.

"After due consideration, and taking into account the public's reasonable concerns

the Government has decided on the following action.

We will continue to spy on you and share your personal/private and

intimate information with all and sundry.

We will however tell you we are doing it on a monthly schedule.

This we believe covers the Governments responsibility in regards to Government transparency.

"this statement has been brought to you by the DfIaS (Dept for Information and Shrooming) keep em in the dark and feed them horseshit."

Australians! Let us all rise up against data retention


Re: I suspect

Even sheep start running when they see a wolf.

And with the number of sheep out there if only a small percentage run in the

right direction we still win.



I suspect

The powers that be, in whatever country you care to name will never step away from trying to extend their powers over their citizens personal,private even intimate data.

They can't, their mindset doesn't allow the idea that they can never win this type of arms race.

They have...

Australia Australian Secret Intelligence Service

Australian Signals Directorate

Defence Intelligence Organisation

Canada Chief of Defence Intelligence

Communications Security Establishment

Canadian Security Intelligence Service

New Zealand Directorate of Defence Intelligence and Security

Government Communications Security Bureau

New Zealand Security Intelligence Service

United Kingdom Defence Intelligence

Government Communications Headquarters GCHQ

The Security Service MI5 Security intelligence

Secret Intelligence Service MI6

United States Central Intelligence Agency

Defense Intelligence Agency DIA Defense Intelligence

Federal Bureau of Investigation FBI Security intelligence

National Security Agency

Multiply that a hundred fold to cover the rest of the worlds governments.

They have money,power and like the five eyes network; links to other intel organizations around the world.

And what do we, poor Joe public have.


100/1, 1000/1, 10000/1 doesn't even begin to cover the difference in resources between the two sides.

They brought a gun, we brought an Orbital Ion Cannon.

Sorry guys, It'll take a while but you've already lost.

EU ministers hold Big Meeting on Big Data. But how will they get you to hand it over?


You can have...

My Personal, Private Big Data when you tear it from my cold, dead hands (I may just be the last non Fakebook, Twitter, Tumblr user on the planet by then).

By that time it'll be pretty much obsolete as far as I'm concerned.

Monetizing corpses,Soylent Green Wafer anyone?

Androids in celluloid – which machine deserves the ULTIMATE MOVIE ROBOT title?


"I'll have a water"

Omega Doom

Rutger Hauer at his silliest :)

UK.gov's web filtering mission creep: Now it plans to block 'extremist' websites


"[B]y the end of 2014 all existing customers will have been presented with an unavoidable choice about installing family friendly content filters which the user will not be able to skip,"

I wonder if the filter options will be..

O Yes please filter my interwebs and give me a completely false sense of security as I am a complete twonk when having to make decisions affecting my family.

O No I am an adult and can monitor my children's internet activity myself.

O Ferk Off! and mind your own bloody business.

No prize for guessing which I'd go for.

Google goes dark for 2 minutes, kills 40% of world's net traffic


See, you keep telling them but they don't listen

Don't use the cheap imported hamsters, it's a false economy.

NSA gets burned by a sysadmin, decides to burn 90% of its sysadmins

Black Helicopters

Replacing humans with computers to keep secrets...

The first thing that came to mind was Dr Chandra's explanation of Hal9000's psychosis in A.C.Clarke's book 2010.

"This contradiction created a "Hofstadter-Moebius loop, reducing HAL to paranoia. Therefore, HAL made the decision to kill the crew, thereby allowing him to obey both his hardwired instructions to report data truthfully and in full, and his orders to keep the monolith a secret. In essence: if the crew were dead, he would no longer have to keep the information secret."

Sounds like a win/win argument to me.

So, what IS the worst film ever made?


Damn! pipped by the 1st post

Battlefield Earth.

The best thing I can say about it is ,they got some of the names right.

Clandestine US 'space warplane' extends orbital mission

Black Helicopters


The search for that Low Orbit Ion Cannon has been given the highest priority.

Ofcom ignores radio in annual report


Just a quick one

I was wondering if anyone from Vulture Towers has send a FOI request or even made a quick phone call to ask.

"Scuse me,where's the digi radio stuff?"

'Race against time' to find LOST TREES from the MOON


Yeah I know! title...sheesh

"In space no-one can hear you germinate."

Oh for a chestburster icon

New Taser made to take down angry bears, moose


I can see it now...

"Pass me my Taser Mama,there's critter in tha pasture ima fixin ta fry."

"You want grits wit yo critter BillyBob?"

No court order against PlayStation hackers for now


Sorry couldn't resist..

Yes it is,and don't call me Shurley.

Sarko to use G8 presidency to promote net regulation


This sound familiar..

Lets see..




Control Freak

Pretty Bint on his arm

Wants to expand his control outside his countries borders.

SHIT! Napoleon's back

Oy Sarko,I hear Elba is nice this time of year.

PARIS concocts commemorative cocktail


In honour of Comets everywhere...

"The Dirty Snowball"


With a combined nod to Darling Paris and Comets everywhere...

"The Dirty Snowball"

Both look gorgeous but have a slightly grubby center.

DDoS attack, sex warrant won't stop Assange's leaky discharge


Answers Below...

No-one knows what Sarah Palin means,not even Sarah Palin.

She has the IQ of a suet dumpling.

UK.gov closes wiretap loopholes after Phorm row


Possible future ISP EULA clause?

The British Government requires us to store all of your internet activity under the Interception Modernisation Programme (IMP).

Dues to new legislation (Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act (RIPA updated edition) )

customer consent for interception of their communications must be "freely given, specific and informed"

Do you at this time freely give your informed consent for us (your ISP) to store in perpetuity your every online activity?

YES [ ] NO [ X ]

Brussels blocks UK from biometric superdatabase


That's the price..

..of being on the outside pissing in ,instead of the inside pissing out.

Joy Division designer tackles England footie strip


That would be...



Northern Mariana Islands (US overseas commonwealth)


The British Empire rises once more.

The moral of this story should be "Just because someone can do a thing,doesn't mean you should let them."

'Rock star' spewed guts after emitting vast pearl necklace


I have to agree..

Tenuous,one might even say Gaseous link to the story :)

Grenade because it's as close to a Supernova as the icons get..bit like the Headline when you think about it.

.XXX domain deal stripped bare


To be honest...

I have no problem with a .xxx suffix.

What really bites my ass is the 6 times mark up on the price compared to a .com

domain name.

There's your money grab right there.

Killer piranha stalk Folkestone pond


Just one question

Nowhere in the story or in the comments so far has anyone asked the most important question.

Does it go with chips?

Hand grenade..the perfect fishing tool for Piranha
