Seems about par for the course from the Rump
I hear next week Elmer Fudd gets the Chairmanship for Protection of Wabbits Society.
130 publicly visible posts • joined 17 Jun 2010
Along with the Brits, the Yanks, the Aussies and the Kiwi's up until Snowden kicked over the trash can the Canucks were also lying, sneaky bastards who would do anything, say anything to get our info.
And now they want our opinion.
Damn! I think my Bullshit Meter just overloaded.
*Black Chopper for obvious reasons
"In the face of several legal battles, Killock recommends that the debate be used as an opportunity to amend the bill's more questionable legal provisions."
I really can't see High Chancellor May allowing that sort of thing.
(it's enough to curdle your warm milk)
Fingermen to the rescue I suspect..
They are literally paid to spout bullshit and do as little as possible to rock the boat.
Until someone causes a Senator to drop dead on national TV by screwing with the firmware of their pacemaker they will do nothing.
* for those who didn't vote for Donnie T Rump that was NOT a suggestion.
although "those 2nd Amendment people could do something"
Getting my coat,that'll be the one with the tin foil lining.
"If you build it, they will come"
and fuck it up
While I am sure IBM deserve a serious kick up the arse (and will get it if any Aussie politician/media whore get they're way).
Talk about naive "We want a system that is totally secure", "Fine, disconnect it from the outside world."
"Oh, and remember to unplug it at the power socket in the wall".
I suspect both sides are equally deserving of the titles Dickwit,Fuckwit and Asshat of the week.
I kid you not...
It is illegal in most countries to incinerate powered medical devices.
After death Pacemakers/Defibrilators are removed before cremation.
They can then be sterilised, tested, recharged and believe it or not
implanted into Horses* and other large animals.
Thereby giving plenty of opportunity for 2nd hand equipment to fall into the wrong hands.
*Got it from the Horses mouth(Cardiologist Consultant)
Posted a week ago
"Is it me just being a cynical, suspicious old git...
Or come the deadline 8 and a bit days from now is Microshaft going to gift their
valued customers by extending the FREE* Windon't 10 upgrade?
*or else"
"Microsoft made it clear that it is not restricting access to specific assistive technologies. In fact, the company is not restricting access at all. You do confirm however that you are using assistive technologies with a click on the upgrade now button.
If you want Windows 10 now and are ready to take advantage of the free upgrade offer, click the button below to get started.
Yes, I use assistive technologies and I am ready for my free upgrade to Windows 10.
This means that anyone, even customers who don't use assistive technologies, can upgrade their operating system for free after July 29, 2016.
Microsoft notes that it may end the extension offer at any point in time in the future, but has not decided yet whether to do so or not. The company promises however that it will make a public announcement before the offer ends.
Closing Words
It is likely that some customers who don't use assistive technologies will take Microsoft up on the offer. Since there is no need to provide proof, anyone may still upgrade to Windows 10 for free for as long as the offer is up and not pulled by Microsoft."
Still a cynical, suspicious old git
The first six months of 2016 will see an upsurge in pilot rollouts of Windows 10, Gartner has predicted.
Many enterprises will then broaden their deployments later in the year with Gartner expecting at least half to have started some form of production deployment by the beginning of 2017, and looking to complete migrations in 2019.
That will help Windows 10 become Microsoft’s most widely deployed operating system, following in the footsteps of Windows 7 and Windows XP, Gartner said.
That may, or may not, be what Microsoft wants to hear. Windows XP and Windows 7 both became de facto client standards and getting customers to move onto succeeding versions of Microsoft's software has proved nigh impossible.
Microsoft’s declared goal is for Windows 10 to be on one billion devices in the next two to three years. Microsoft chief executive Satya Nadella claimed in October that 110 million devices were running Windows 10.
Factors driving the uptake of Windows 10 on the consumer side are the free, 12-month upgrades, plus the availability of broadband connectivity for devices, making over-the-air downloads a reasonable feat to perform.
According to Gartner, factors driving migrations include the planned end of support for Windows 7 in January 2020 plus strong application compatibly with Windows 10. That, plus pent-up demand for tablets and two-in-one devices, will drive uptake.
“There will be tens of millions of users familiar with the operating system before the end of 2015,” research vice president Steve Kleynhans said in a statement.
“For businesses, we expect that implementation will be significantly more rapid than that seen with Windows 7 six years ago,” he added.
Windows 10 was released by Microsoft in July; as far as receiving free Windows 10 is concerned, complaints have emerged among some Windows 7 and 8 users that rather than the upgrade being voluntary Windows 10 is forcing itself onto their PCs. ®
*Due to marketing factors, customer take-up and the unfortunate habit of Microsoft to stack Bullshit so high it becomes a danger to anyone passing their steaming pile of crap these predictions may have to be reconsidered*
fixed it for you.
(Couldn't find a pile of crap icon, perhaps El Reg should consider another icon update).
And someone tells them about TOR I wonder how long it'll be before one of the technologically challenged Etonian Luddites advises Hameron it should be banned and he sticks his foot in his mouth again.
Better his foot than anything else I suppose.
Comfy chair and popcorn preordered.
"Internet Connection Record will only show that they accessed that site, not the particular pages they looked at, who they communicated with, or what they said.
It is simply the modern equivalent of an itemised phone bill".
So if my Internet Connection Record shows I visited,, and it tells them sod all about me only the web sites I visited.
I suspect end to end encrypted e-mail and Tor browser use to skyrocket in the near future.
From what I've seen of the Windows 10 builds my opinion hasn't really changed from the initial one.
It still looks like the bastard child of Vista and 8.1.
I'm not saying it's not an improvement on the last OS, obviously there are things that look and feel
Unfortunately for Microsoft an OS has to do more than just look good, it pretty much has to work straight out of the box for the ordinary guy* in the street.
If he can't play his games/music watch his movies check out the family photo collection he's
sending to Aunty Rose in Australia, surf, chat, tweet, waffle, troll or outherwise interact with the rest
of his tribe the first thing he's going to say when anyone asks what the new OS is like is,
"It's crap, I'm wiping it and going back to Windows 7".
It doesn't matter what the IT press finally descide after Win 10's launch.
It doesn't even matter if Win 10 turns out to be God's gift 6 months down the road.
If enough of Joe public thinks it "crap" on or just after release it'll nose dive the same as Vista.
Free** doesn't always mean good after all.
*Generic term (He/She/We/Whatever)
*Terms and Conditions apply.