Won't someone think of the children?... indeed
Let those who have the Legal, Moral and Parental responsibility to do just that.
I have seen news paper articles, tv interviews, half witted rants from MP's
who feel they should show they're standing up for their constituents even when they haven't a clue what they're waffling about, technical, legal, moral and even religious opinions of all flavours and increasingly hysterical aftermaths if we do/don't do something about children accessing smut online.
I have yet to hear any of the Politicians ,Charity reps, tech pundits, or any of those other "I have to say SOMETHING, it'll get me on the telly" dickwits offer the simplest solution.
If children are accessing porn online the 1st and most effective line of defense is the parents.
We are for ever having public heath campaigns rammed down our throats, now is the chance to do so for a good reason.
Blitz the media, slip a reminder onto Google.co.uk's front page, send out the flyers, booklets and Government approved instructions.
I have always relied on a simple idea, "just because you can do a thing, doesn't mean you should."
Rant over you can go back to normal viewing (don't forget to have your photo ID ready though).