* Posts by DataFish

9 publicly visible posts • joined 15 Jun 2010

Authentic Navy rum: Yours for £600 a bottle


It was....

The last tot was given in 1970 as an official ration. But then it was still Grog and not neat rum (for those non Naval...grog was a mix of rum and water). Neat tots were still given out when I was serviing but only as "special occasion" treats. I received one after completing Artic Survival Training in Norway :o)



It simply isn't worth £600...yes its strong and yes it has some history to it...but it's just Rum! Go over to Maritius and you can get some craking Sugar Cane rum (now that is nice stuff).

If you pay £600 for some jack tar's cast off booze you might as well go mine sweeping at your local bar...spend the £600 on something else.

I'm off to get my port and starboard scran spanners...it's breakfast time! See you when the fog clears.


Huge new airships for US Army: designed in Blighty

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That's it really....genius engineering...cool.

Killer piranha stalk Folkestone pond


Yes but....

You too can eat Piranha...the worm has turned!! Catch em and eat em, they'll die in winter anyway.

AT&T iPad 'hacker' arrested for 'drugs possession'


Fix up!

Seriously...how many hackers (who are typically geeks with no social outlets) hit hard drugs on a regular basis? Are the police just looking for something they can tag this person with as a way to make a huge "example" out of them!! Hmmm....I wonder, especially as some high ranking government officals were involved....

Is that a Wi-Fi media server in your pocket?

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...even easier to spread malware and virus apps!

Ubuntu 'more secure' than Windows, says Dell


Even I...

I am a developer, I also administer a large EMEA SharePoint installation all of which i do on the windows platform...but when at home I only totally trust my Linux distro's.

Sure you can argue that the more popular Linux becomes they will "stick their neck out", and there will probably be script kiddies waiting to catch out unsuspecting users. But the inherent stability of Linux far out performs the rather wobbly windows OS.

Too many times in my 10+ years in IT have I had to re-do windows installs on both servers and desktops, or try and recover data from an "unexpected shutdown". Good for you Dell...some poor analogies but a good move all round!

World Cup in your pocket: iPhone vuvuzelas



Vuvuarse! These things ruin the 90 or so minutes that we get to watch the football, now we have to have some sad iPhone App geek in the room sounding one off too.....maybe there will be more violence during this world cup than expected...

Police confirm cybercrime budget cut


Perhaps Share the Burden

Although the budget will be cut by an estimated 30% there is still allot more that big business can do to help protect its members and customers.

Perhaps focus should be aligned at the proceses and practices of our business community. Have they really donw all they can to secure our information...only last week there was a report of Council employees stealing data from the councils they work for.