that'll be ignored by the creationist then
Posts by John Smith 23
26 publicly visible posts • joined 11 Jun 2010
Come off it, Moon, Earth. We know you're 60 million years older than we thought
'Executed ex' of Norkers' bonkers Kim Jong-un rises FROM THE GRAVE
Sony bosses will return bonuses as firm preps for BILLIONS in losses
eBay rejects Carl Icahn's board nominees as 'inexperienced'
Sony sucker-punches Xbox on price, specs, DRM-free gaming
Obama calls for study into games ‘n’ guns link
NRA: Video games kill people, not guns. And here's our video game
Web trawlers may have to pay to slurp up German newspaper snippets
Inside Sony's Home Entertainment HQ in Japan
Thursday 8th March 2012 13:01 GMT

and try and forget the propriety connections
which are the main reason i refuse to buy any sony kit for a while now !
the world (well me at least) does not need another 20 connections, cables which are compatible with nothing at all.
Although is see the vita has its own memory stick type of course !
Eleven - if you will - rocktastic music movies
Ten... noise-cancelling headphones
Mozilla pushes out final Firefox 5 test build
Amazon heralds unstoppable rise of the e-book
Netgear XAV5001 500Mb/s powerline Ethernet adaptor
Free iPad content for Time, Fortune subscribers
Man arrested wearing hair scrunchie on short and curlies
Death threats against 'worst song ever' YouTube teen
UK is 15th best place in the world to do IT
Adobe speeds Creative Suite releases to catch tablets
Moving to Windows 7: Is it worth it?
Site-saving workers evacuated from Japanese reactor disaster
Prepping the great Windows 7 migration
Joy Division get the Playmobil treatment
Sony Bravia KDL-46EX403 46in LCD TV
Friday 1st October 2010 12:27 GMT

so typical sony - use a buzzword and then make sure it only half works - no divx ? no xvid ? - so a total waste of time then !
its this sort of crap over the years that has basically made me take the step of saying never again a sony product
oh of course the propriety rubbish they keep trying to force on the world