iTunes proprietry control over iPhone will ultimately cost apple it's lead
Thank goodness it's not just me tearing my hair out with the iTunes and it's control freak grip it holds over the iPhone.
I bought the iPhone 3GS 32GB on O2 at launch and paid £275 cash plus signed an 18 month contract.
The main problems with this phone are;
1) iTunes proprietry control over iPhone;
File transfer limitations / MP3's / Photos (iTunes not populating track/album names properly for my MP3 collection and not being able to get photos off the iphone onto my PC without iTunes wanting to erase my photos)
2) Flash
3) Battery life
Two of these problems sound fixed with the new iphone 4 having LED flash and a slighty longer talktime with a bigger battery.
iTunes just needs to be totally opened up or Apple risks losing the mainstream to
technically superior next generation open smartphones that will play any media format
and sync content easily between any PC/Mac/NAS/Cloud which are just waiting in the wings
of the R&D labs of the other big players like Google, Nokia, Sony, Samsung, Microsoft.
A lot of friends with iPhone have also been moaning about how rubbish and locked down iTunes is when it comes to file transfers. Unless Apple ditches it's control freak habits I can't see the majority of iphone users queing up for an upgrade to experience a repeat performance of an iTunes lockdown. Google, Nokia, Sony, Samsung, Microsoft please take note.