Re: Next
MtGox isn't the be all and end all of Bitcoin, yes the value has dropped as a result of the shenanigans, but it was also dropping after the speculation bubble resulting from the US Senate hearings in early December. Bitcoin is still (for now) worth more than the peak this time last year from people trying to get their money out of Cyprus. Re:Next, there's probably in excess of 200 cryptocurrencies that have launched now, and around 50-60 are quite active (in terms of trading and mining), using half a dozen different algorithms, mainly to try and restrict the processing power arms race that Bitcoin (SHA-256) and scrypt-based coins are inspiring.
Other exchanges are available(TM), and you can get cash in or out of them in USD, roubles, euros and a few other currencies. Getting GBP out of Bitcoin is still a PITA though, if you've got serious money to move then you can afford the fees (€100+) and make a SEPA transaction to a UK bank (if you can find one that knows what SEPA is), otherwise you're better off finding a UK/EU merchant that takes BitPay or another PayPal-esque service, and buying physical goods with the currency.
Alternatively just hold onto your funds and see where it goes later in the year and into next year. Once a true use for one or another cryptocurrency is found, beyond the current limited market of speculation and mining for profit, then it may take off in a very real manner. Google and Facebook were non-entities 15 years ago, what will we say about cryptocurrencies in another 15 years.