I think you missunderstood me.
I said Oracle is _originally_ developed on on VAX/VMS, and I thought just that: It got developed fist on Digital, then got ported on SunOS, then Solaris, then Linux. Point is, it is not _originally_ (as in version 1... or 2 since that was first version) developed on Solaris like Kebabbert said. Reason I said that is that he likes to go around internet lambasting Linux just because it's competitor to his precious Solaris. His main argument is that Linux kernel has 11 milion lines of code, so it must somehow be bloated because Solaris is smaller. It is silly really, because he sound surprised when people tell him that most of that are drivers and that Linux support more hardware, more filesystems and more CPU architectures than Solaris so it is apples for oranges comparison. And then he typically claims that person is bullshiting him and that mustn't be true. And then asks for "reliable sources"... at that point he gets directed on kernel.org to read sources himself. LOL.
So my point is, kebabbert doesn't have a clue what he is talking about, when he talks about Linux nor when he talks about Solaris, or any other technology. He just trolls against Linux, and that is what he does. And it got really tiresome seeing him spew uneducated FUD.
On the other points, Oracle saying that "Solaris is prefered OS" doesn't mean they are using it. I heard them saying "we run our business on Linux and our development platform is Linux". I don't remember exact year, but I goggled for article and got 2003. I linked it in my previous post. Do you say that article is false? They first ported DB to Linux in 1998, in wake of Red Hat IPO. http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/topics/linux/whatsnew/index.html
That let Oracle make cheap "solutions" without hurting their margins. That's why Larry said he likes Linux, that is obvious. They are in Linux pretty long.
As for "ruining Oracle". I meant "running Oracle", it was spell check's fault. I think I am right about that. There is bigger Linux/Oracle installed base than Solaris/Oracle. I may be little exaggerating that there is more than all Solaris all together, but there are more Oracle DB on Linux.
However, if by "Solaris runs more Oracle" you mean _revenue_ of all Oracle software running on Solaris, then you are right. Oracle has more revenue on Solaris land then on Linux land, because Linux installations usually only run Oracle DB and other stuff is form other vendors. Other reason being UtraSPARC T cores, and Oracle license per core. So you might have a point with that, depending what definition for "more Oracle" you use.
And I already keep my mind open as it can be.