7 publicly visible posts • joined 2 Jun 2010
Orion will do all of these things - but requires a Mac (or iPad or iPhone). Based on WebKit. I've been using it for months and do not want to go back.
4 pieces of thick birch ply work very well for one-monitor set-ups. There's this thing, which is lovely, and fully adjustable:
or you could make your own if you're handy with a jigsaw.
I believe the US service will only have a fraction of what's available domestically.
If you're willing to ignore existing regulatory and tax structures you can have a successfully "disruptive" company too. Just ask Amazon!
The big news for me is iPlayer Radio on 'droid.
These things really need to be able to play anything you throw at them. Or are we expected to have a separate device for .mkvs?
All those links are now behind a paywall...
Unless you meant the New York Times, which seems more likely. They actually have a pretty popular website.