Who knew high dimensional vector spaces would become known as AI?
Posts by Spaller
48 publicly visible posts • joined 28 May 2010
Have we stopped to think about what LLMs actually model?
NASA finds humanity would totally fumble asteroid defense
The Land Before Linux: Let's talk about the Unix desktops
CLIX was the UNIX derivative for the Fairchild/Intergraph OS for the Clipper CPU. Intergraph sold Tangate, the (awful) chip place and route software, to Cadence in exchange for porting their software the Clipper/CLIX. I was the CAD manager for the chips, and was told to go in to Cadence to port their chip design software to Clipper/CLIX. I met their internal porting team that was maxed out at the time to support nine different UNIX ports. They were too overworked to handles another port. I only had a few weeks to get the software ready on my platform which these huge 28 inch screens with one mega-pixels! No other UNIX vendor had anything like it at DAC, the yearly conference I was to demo the software at. I came at the port with a different approach with the team I brought with me and managed to make it. By the time to pack the machines up and go to Vegas, Cadence's entire porting team offered to quit and come work for me. I was getting hostile vibes from Cadence management I had to report back to my management, and decided to personally move the machines to Vegas myself without any help from Cadence. Mission accomplished, before this article was written. But who knows about CLIX now?
US Air Force's Angry Kitten turns Reaper drone into fierce feline of electronic warfare
Ex-politico turned Meta hype man brands Metaverse 'new heart of computing'
Windows Subsystem for Linux now packaged as a Microsoft Store app
Chip startup alleges Cadence sabotaged processor rollout
TSMC and China: Mutually assured destruction now measured in nanometers, not megatons
Chinese economist trained by the Soviet Union
That Chinese economist has no clue how a fab works. Software I've written and owned by an American company is required to run the optical proximity correction software (OPC) on thousands of nodes at TSMC. Might those licenses shutdown immediately upon crisis? If you want a new chip, you must run OPC. Oh, and TSMC engineers call at all times of the day or night regarding issues with the software. What might the response be in crisis mode?
Facebook CEO puts picture of himself wearing too much sunscreen on new board
Deluded medics fail to show Ohio lawmakers that COVID vaccines magnetise patients
Oracle exhumes ‘Older, Still Useful Content’ penned by Solaris and SPARC veterans
Nothing new since the microwave: Let's get those home tech inventors cooking
Nvidia to acquire Arm for $40bn, promises to keep its licensing business alive
This'll make you feel old: Uni compsci favourite Pascal hits the big five-oh this year
Drama as boffins claim to reach the Holy Grail of superconductivity
No way, RSA! Security conference's mobile app embarrassingly insecure
Furious gunwoman opens fire at YouTube HQ, three people shot
Huawei consumer biz pres: Are we in talks with Trump? Nope
Re: The only loser is the US consumer..
Red herring alert. Jurisdiction has little to do with what nonsense gets put into your Chinese or Russian phone. Sure, go start your business in China. Be sure to take a copy of your IP with you to give them. You do know we do not have reciprocity. You do know we do not get a copy of Huawei's source code? Do you?
Re: The only loser is the US consumer..
Sure, let's buy cheap phones so we can be spied upon by a foreign power who would just love us to buy their 'cheap' phones. One good thing that can be said about it is that at least it is not a Russian phone. Who would trust a Russian phone? Why trust a Chinese one totally sourced there?
A post yesterday from the South Chinese Morning Post noted Intellivsion 7MPx cameras installed to do face recognition of jaywalkers and send them text messages while they are jaywalking. If they do it too much, their government 'social score' will be affected.
Just imagine what the Communist Party could order to be put into a phone made there. Oh, you could look at G Data's report a couple years ago about finding malware on phones from Huawei, Xiaomi, and Lenovo. Huawei apparently replied that the security breaches must have occurred further down the supply chain. Sounds similar to what the NSA does to Cisco gear during shipment? You do know that practically every Chinese company has a Communist Party cell embedded deeply within it?
Sure, get a cheap phone. That's a good plan, at least for the ones 'giving' it to you.
Millionaire-backed science fiction church to launch Scientology TV network
MY GOD, IT'S FULL OF CARS: SpaceX parks a Tesla in orbit (just don't mention the barge)
Infamous Silicon Valley 'sex party' exactly as exciting as it sounds
You're designing an internet fridge. Should you go for fat HTML or a Qt-pie for your UI?
Rip the Q key off their keyboards
I have a team of about twenty folks spread over the world building an engineering app, and we use Qt.
I regularly threaten them that I'll rip the Q key off their keyboards if they don't keep their use of that thing to a minimum. We're just now moving to Qt5 across the biz unit, and not many are wanting to do it other than Qt4 is no longer supported. Faster? I don't think so. 60fps fridge? No one cares.
If we build another app from the ground up, it'll be html5.
Why software engineers should ditch Silicon Valley for Austin
I spent six years in Chicago going to UChicago. Put a glass of water on the window sill and it was frozen solid by morning. Had a waterbed to survive. One time 44 days the temp did not get above freezing.
Then taught math at UTSA in San Antonio, just south of Austin. The dash in my car melted in the school parking lot. Then there was tubing with excrement in the Guadalupe. Lots of bats under the bridge in Austin, though.
Moved to Silicon Valley to learn how to build computers. Not going back.
Self-driving cars doomed to be bullied by pedestrians
Taxes to the rescue
Smart pedestrians carry fobs (aka phones) identifying themselves a la IFF. The local good burghers slap a tax on such errant behaviour as wandering out in front of cars. The errant citizen has one's insurance rates adjusted accordingly. Want to drive fast in one's auto-automobile or take priority at a light? There's an incidental tax for that, too.
Microsoft boffins: Who needs Intel CPUs when you've got FPGAs?
Who Needs Programmers When You Need Hardware Designers?
Hmm, nominally FPGAs need coding in a hardware description language, like verilog of vhdl, in order for the thing to work. Synchronous thinking C coders don't deal well with the asynchronous nature of HDLs. People skilled in HDLs are rarer than C coders, so there's quite an educational barrier to deployment.
Mercedes answers autonomous car moral dilemma: Yeah, we'll just run over pedestrians
Intel is shipping an ARM-based FPGA. Repeat, Intel is shipping an ARM-based FPGA
NEW ERA for HUMANITY? NASA says something 'major' FOUND ON MARS
Oracle's bright new Sonoma SPARCs hint at own-tech cloud
Sparc is dead in EDA
EDA, or Electronic Design Automation, was dominated by Sparc machines for a *very* long time. Now no one in EDA supports Sparc machines. We've even been busy at removing the cursed #ifdef's that supported it since we never expect it to come back (same for HPUX and AIX, but they were never dominant like Sparc/Solaris was totally dominant). And I won't be missing register window traps. In other words, even if this chip is a great success, it is extraordinarily unlikely that this engineering community will move back to Sparc. Oracle would have to pay to get a company like ours to provide a port of our software to Sparc now. Others still try, like IBM or HP, to pump up their application base on their architecture. But after decades of seeing these deals done, they matter not. Once you have to pay for the port, you're forever a niche player in that area.
Fabs are designed are around the hardware, and there is no fab that uses Sparc machines to run it for things like LVS, DRC, OPC, fracture, ... This was not the case before. Thousands upon thousands or cores are necessary to validate a chip for manufacture. Oracle is completely out of this manufacturing space except in the case of using Oracle DB for tracking chip defects.
So in essence, in the past ten years, Sparc can no longer be found in these engineering communities. It seems to have holed up in finance communities and some webbies.
Full disclosure: I work in this space.
Ecuador and Sweden in 'constructive talks' – just don't mention Assange™ by name
Did speeding American manhole cover beat Sputnik into space? Top boffin speaks to El Reg
The huge flaw in Moore’s Law? It's NOT a law after all
HP breaks for Xmas week - aka 'staff hols' - source
Big racks? Pah. Storage boffins have made a BIONIC BRAIN material
Drone captures shots of budding APPLE SPACESHIP HQ
Dell reveals 'proof-of-concept' ARM microserver
Is it barge? Is it a data center? Mystery FLOATING 'Google thing'
First, servers were deep-fried... now, engineers bring you wet ones
Google to splurge $82m for exclusive airport exec enclave
Chump change noise curfew
Given that Fitch downgraded the San Jose airport bonds to BBB+ last year, any chump change the airport authority can get will be welcome to cover the increased borrowing cost of the downgrade. Googlets can easily obtain a chopper for transit down 101 by just requisitioning one from the maps division. Hopefully they won't lose their luggage a la Heathrow. Of course there's that nasty curfew thing that San Jose airport has (no fly zone 11:30pm to 6:30am) that self-anointed peninsular hero Larry Ellison managed to nail to a coffee table. Though so far I've not heard if he's actually "violated" it (moved it to a different airport...San Martin, maybe, next to the Wings of History Air Museum?). Wonder what the Googlets will do about Larry's precedent on the noise curfew.