Invalid HTML
Even the 'maintanance' page has an error:
<centre><img src="navysitedown.gif" alt=""/></centre>
(that's the entire page)
Aside from the lack of a <body> and other WTFery, the closing tag has a '?' in it!
172 publicly visible posts • joined 30 May 2007
...maybe he ain't. But 16 weeks for not handing over a password when you can lamp someone in the face without getting locked up for that time - if at all - is unnecessary.
Two questions -
1) How can they tell the length of the password?
2) If they know it's 50 chars, what makes them think they can 'crack' it?
If only the ICO had enough teeth to just shut these cowboys down as of yesterday.
I hope every person they ever wrote to presses charges for:
- libel/defamation of character (accusing them of viewing hardcore porn with no evidence)
- fraud (pretending there's a 'lawsuit' that can be 'stopped' if they pay up)
- blackmail (we know where you live and what you've been watching. Pay up or else)
- multiple DPA breaches (just read the article)
- being dickheads of the highest order
Hi Diego,
Can I be your first? I don't like mandatory conversation/threading. Let's meet!
I don't like having 10 insignificant replies to scroll past to get to the important one I know is there. They're initally collapsed and I can expand them at me leisure you say? I already know what I want, don't make me click once to enter the 'conversation', then again at random to try and expand the relevant portion of it.
If I know that the reply I was looking for with the important details got sent today, I don't want the past week's worth of crap to be shown at the same time when I click to view it.
In my experience, a little education of email users into the delights of Reply, Reply-all, Forward, CC and BCC go a long way to a self-regulating 'conversation' feature.
An Ex-Threaded Conversation user.
Actually, the details were exposed *before* any emails got sent.
It said something along the lines of "do you want us to send your password reminder to" There was a button to send the mail, or another to quit.
Just clicking the back button and repeating the process got you people's details without sending them any emails to arouse suspicion.
Not that I used it. At all.
"might be tempted to spy on White House's nude ping pong tournaments, boules court and early morning skinny dipping sessions"
They really needn't worry - I'm yet to see an attractive naturist.
Would rather spend my time ogling a modestly-clothed pretty girl than seeing all that loose flesh on display, thanks!
...but I'm not.
I'm not surprised that the government has been less than honest, and that makes me sad.
I want revelations like this to shock me, but they don't.
I've become desensitised to lies from people in power and now only get astounded on the rare occasion that one of them tells the truth. Sad times.
OK, it's time for me to Google 'How to remove your fingerprints' (via Tor, naturally).
How can an employment agency be trusted to take fingerprints? They're notoriously bad at handling data as it is and having countless bods coming through the system each day to be processed in the same way again and again, it's not exactly the most conducive environment for handling sensitive data.
"they will be forwarded to either a police force or one central police force" - yeah, I can imagine it now:
SUBJECT: Heres the fngr prts u asked 4
I'm sorry, no later than next MARCH?!?!
Not "oops, we lost some data, we'll encrypt the laptops next week", but "yeah, yeah, give us half a year and we'll sort it. Honest."
OK, so some retard forgot to encrypt it in the first place - mistakes happen. Now they know about it, just do it on Monday! Not sometime before March!
This country.
"If you are consuming BBC services then you have to be a licence holder"
No, that's not how it should be!
Fine, pay for what you use or subscribe to a certain level of use but not a mandatory flat fee for every citizen who happens to be capable of seeing a BBC programme.
Replace 'BBC Services' in that statement with almost anything else to see how ridiculous and unfair this method of revenue gathering is:
"If you are consuming utility services then you have to be a licence holder" - no, I'll pay for the gas and 'leccy I use thanks.
"If you are consuming newspapers then you have to be a licence holder" no, I'll pay for the papers I actually read, not a flat fee just because I am able to read.
You get the idea...
Beyond the futile and poor-value attempts to 'promote' Gaelic (exactly what does it do so much better than English or German or French?), the decisions to show local Scottish variations in place of generally popular programmes make even less sense.
For example, rather than showing a documentary with broad appeal or perhaps a sports event such as snooker (what else does the BBC have these days), if there's a programme with a hint of Scottishness about it, BBC Scotland will slap that on instead despite the fact that if the 'variation' were to be shown purely on its merit as a programme, it'd have been axed.
Take River City. I dislike Eastenders as much as the next man, but are the Scots really so blinkered that they consider this pish to be better SIMPLY because it's not based in London? If it's so damn good, why's it not shown outside of Scotland. Because it's rubbish and is just there to fill the quotient of 'Scottish' programmes that's why.
Rant ends.
"Identity cards will directly benefit airside workers — not just by improving personnel security" - is that the same as personal security? Either way, you haven't said *how*. Just saying "it does" is not evidence, Mr. IPS spokesman.
"but also by speeding up pre-employment checks and increasing the efficiency of pass issuing arrangements, making it easier for these workers to take up their posts and move from one airside job to another" that's NOT a benefit for the workers, because if they're already workers they don't need pre-employment checks, dumbass!
So, in summary, they are of no benefit whatsoever.
The quiet carriage (when it is observed) is fantastic and makes the journey so much more pleasant. Any measures to prevent the ignorant shits who aren't capable of just turning their phone to silent and not answering it from being able to piss me off are welcome.
However, since the introduction of free WI-FI on NXEC it would be a shame to have to choose between sitting quietly and doing nothing or tying to go online surrounded by twattering chats.
"certain BT staff involved in the activities of Kettering call centre have been released"
I have this image of herds of ape-like call centre workers scampering off into the suburbs of Kettering, screeching to one another as they communiate across streets.
They will be rounded up by the end of the day and retrained to sell timeshares. To each other.
The very fact that they are withholding the information indicates that
a) the myth of 'detector vans' is greater than the reality so they're in no rush to change that perception
b) any genuine ability to detect TVs in use is easily defeated when you know how it works, so they'll hope they can keep it quiet for as long as possible
It's the sign of an outdated organisation (TV Licensing) desperately clutching at what little revenue they still can before they realise it's just not going to work any more.
With mobile content, on-demand services and the like, the line between what they can and can't restrict to licence-payers is becoming increasingly blurred. There simply won't be enough licence inspectors to check up on everyone with a mobile, laptop, sky box etc.
Organisations such as Visa who promote their security systems as near-infallible and then refuse to believe genuine claims from victims on the grounds that its 'impossible' to be broken gives us a glimpse of the future ID Card fallout.
Obviously won't cough to any 'holes' in the system so when (not if) the cards are cloned/forged/stolen by terrorists/pirates/chavs and the victim goes to the Govt. to complain, they'll be told they can't have had their ID stolen as the cards are totally secure.
Cue people being sectioned in secure units for believing that the ID card system could be fallible when everyone knows that's impossible. A bit like Sarah Connor when she insisted that Arnie and his ilk were on their way.
Da-dum dum-dadum
Da-dum dum-dadum
Da da daa
da da da
Da da daa
da da daaaaaa daa
da da daa
Firstly, since when was it acceptable to disclose details of whether an address is licensed or not? Surely a breah of DPA, no? Can I just phone up and ask whether my neighbour has a licence?
Secondly, I have to agree with the embearded one's principles here. Their entire approach appears to put the burden of proof on you to prove that you don't have a TV. The law, however puts it on them to prove that you DO.
Imagine if the DVLA sent out letters with bold red text stating that because you weren't on their list of licensed drivers, they suspect you of driving without a licence and you'll need to show them that you weren't out driving illegally.
Or how about "We can't find you on the register of Sex Offenders, therefore we believe you may be out molesting small children and need you to confirm that you weren't"...
My address has been "authorised for immediate investigation" and has been due for a "visit from one of our Enforcement Officers" for over five years now. I'm still waiting for the chap to pop round as promised.
Some VERY telling answers (and even more telling witheld ones) here :
So, will the 'roadworks' sign - featuring a bloke with a shovel in a pile of Tarmac(R) now be altered to show a range of activities related to the construction industry in general? Because it's SUCH a stereotypical representation of what they do, it really is misleading*.
It's just supposed to be an icon, a symbol, an easily recognisable sign. Not a full graphical representation of the actual subject!
What do they want? Full-colour photos of genuine local pensioners? Will rural areas have the various 'animal-in-road' signs replaced by photos of the specific local breeds, posing in the road?
*Not least because it suggests they spend time working.