Re: Oh boy, here we go again.
I like my Mac, and OS X, and I think any sensible person (without an agenda to push) would concede that Mac's are still considerably more secure than Windows - but regardless of that, you sir are an embarrasment.
If you truly knew "how things worked" you'd know that these last couple of trojans are exploiting a weakness in the Java engine *built into OS X* - and it's OS X that's getting infected as a result. This is nothing whatsoever to do with Windows or "Lunix", whatever that is.
Up until last week, any perfectly stock Mac running Leopard, Snow Leopard or earlier, or a Mac running Lion but with the optional Apple-supplied Java runtime installed, was wide open to the Flashback trojan. No other software from Microsoft or anyone else needed to be installed. The result was a botnet of around 500,000 Macs, all running OS X just as Apple intended, and all infected.
This was only possible because Apple sat on the knowledge of this Java weakness for 6 weeks, before finally passing the update on last week. There's no question that they've completely ballsed this up for themselves, and all Mac users, and they need to learn from their mistakes quickly. I personally don't want to end up resorting to the Windows route of antivirus, but with this cock-up Apple are pretty much handing users like us to the likes of Sophos and Kapersky on a plate.