No Kaspersky, spasiba.
I'd rather trust Microsoft than Kaspersky, as I don't trust Kaspersky due to its possible Russian government/ KGB (FSB) ties.
43 publicly visible posts • joined 25 May 2010
That's what blows my mind... the Jesus/Allah/etc freaks think God made the Universe, but then who made God?? But equally badly, if the big bang came from nothing, how does that work? How can something exist out of nothing? And if we're computer simulations, how the hell did our Gods/simulators/developers become created themselves??
I find it funny/mind-blowing that both the God-theory and the Big-Bang-Theory require some faith on part of the believer... so whether an atheist or a deist, you must believe in something that is to our monkey brains rather unfeasible/un-intuitive.
I normally like Clara (strong women, yay!) but in this episode near the end, instead of a strong woman she was such a whiny byatch girl... WTF? For a teacher she's a dumbass, as it seems only NOW has she realized that Dr. Who (very well played by Capaldi) is an asshole...
Well duh... Clara, stop your whining and suck it up, and stop acting like a girl and re-start acting like a woman!
The problem is that I don't understand the hypocrisy of Brits hating Americans for being "loud" and "stupid"... I've been here in the UK for 14 years now, and I have seen Brits in action here and abroad (especially Italy and Spain), and they're equally drunk, stupid, and loud.. SOMEONE is buying the Daily Mail and the Sun here in the UK (shite "newspapers" requiring the IQ of a pet rock), and going by UK culture/television (Big Brother & other vapid shows etc.) I'd say the majority of the UK populace is equally thick as shit as the US population.
Hey Reg Editors, I believe that "won ton" soup is CHINESE, not Korean, so it makes no sense for the Korean Sammy to be in hot won ton... instead, they would find themselves in hot gomtang... although I imagine that this sloppiness was in part due to the rather poor attempt to tie in hot won ton soup and the Korean currency, the "won"??
Please please please white people/English speakers, the fecking word is c-o-j-o-n-e-s, NOT c-A-j-o-n-e-s, PLEASE get it right (cojones = balls, cajones = dresser drawer, so you sound like a twunt saying "cajones"...)
Paris Hilton because SHE would know the difference between cojones and cajones...
I agree, the guy's an idiot: he should have made soothing statements to keep Facebook off his back, and to help keep his employment prospects open. Instead, his latest responses don't really show him as being sorry/as having learned anything, instead he ends up looking like a dumb brat. (I shouldn't be surprised: in Uni I was surrounded by what seem to be his type: technically brilliant, but with the common sense/social skills of a dead badger!)
I get tired of the Brits who whine about Amerrrrican companies that don't cater to British accents... by sheer numbers, it makes more sense for an Amerrrican company to target the USA market (307 million souls) versus the tiny UK market (60 million souls)... I imagine that if Microbarf had been British, we Amerrricans would be whining instead about parochial Brits...
Instead, the UK government/IT industry needs to get off its ass and create its own version of Microbarf.. (well, I believe ARM *is* the Microsoft of chips, but the problem is that it's all at the backend, whereas Windoze is always up and front...)
But the British can be as blinkered as the Americans: I now live in the UK, and I am surprised by how many Brits whine about going to America and not being understood... why the feck should Americans understand?? The Brits are exposed much more to US accents than the other way around (due to American TV, movies, and music available here in ol' Blighty), AND British and American English accents are quite different... British English seems to be influenced by French speech patterns, which make it tricky to understand Brits unless (like me) you've been exposed to a variety of UK accents over time...
British English seems to do the "liaison" thing that French does at the end of a word... for example in British English "It is pretty" tends to be pronounced "Ih tis pretty", versus the American "Iht iz preddy"... (I'm a language geek, so sue me!)
It's not just weirdos who have problems with Developer wankers who make assumptions... I have lived most of my life in English-speaking countries (UK/US) and I can't tell you how many times I've had problems when filling out forms (paper or online!) because some dumbass wanker assumes we all have monosyllabic anglo-saxon last names! So when I need to put down my correct legal last name (one of those Spanish double-barreled jobs with a hyphen in it), more often than not the feckin' system breaks down...
Add to the mix call centers in cheaply-paid countries where English and Spanish are not the linguae francae, and my normal Spanish-language last name becomes Intercapped (such as SmithJones), or just slammed together (Smithjones) instead of the correct Smith-Jones thang... only very recently has this started changing, but now getting it changed in their systems here in the UK virtually requires an act of parliament!!
This article said:
"Our source explained the site had been contacted by a 'white hat' - a hacker who offered to share vulnerabilities in exchange for a small fee. The two co-operated to close holes."
White hat? Sorry, but someone who charges them for such vulnerability information is a black hat/blackmailing bastard, not a white hat! (The white hats I know would reveal the vulnerabilities to the company without requesting payment first!!)
I cannot believe that Halifax Bank of Scotland is going to be without a website for so long... what jackass at that bank thought of this? Any bank that cuts off a service of theirs that is nowadays akin to not being reachable by phone surely deserves to be given a wide berth? What next? No computers or calculators, all of their bankers must now rely on abaci??
Don't be a cupid stunt, LPF... don't paint all us Mexicans with the same brush as the Mexican Diplomat, believe it or not, not all Mexicans agree with him!
Me (Mexican dude!), I've always thought that Jeremy Clarkson was a funny c*nt, and taking anything he says seriously is just folly... he's the human equivalent of the Daily Mail: full of shit and funny as hell.
Some of you Brits ARE clueless wankers... do NOT assume that the Mexican diplomat speaks for all Mexicans nor for ME (a Mexican living in the UK)... fuck you're as bad as Americans, you Brits assuming we are the MexiBorg or something....
HOWEVER: I do not blame the BBC for editing the episode before sending it to America: the British sense of humor (a la Clarkson) can sometimes be seen as c*nt-like by my fellow Americans (i.e., Ricky Gervais' fail recently on some awards show), and pissing off the Mexican viewing population in the USA (who have not been exposed to Jeremy C*ntson on a weekly basis like I have) would lead to the BBC getting losing business.
(However, I do still think the Americans are overly-earnest wankers, and the British are miserable tw*ts :D
Where to start? If Assange did rape those women, then he should be tried... however, the timing of these rape accusations makes me strongly believe that the only reason he's on trial is because he's embarrassed the US/the UK governments (the words kangaroo court and "show trial" come to mind)...
I think Naomi Wolf said it best:
I see that politicians are still assholes, and only worried about prosecuting for rape when it suits their purposes...
I love the fact that it has official access to the Android Marketplace, but otherwise going by the pix and info on other websites, this is (for a nonphone music player) still too thick, and plasticky... Also the battery life (25/30 hrs music & 5 hours video) falls short of the iPod touch (40 hrs & 7 hours)... And then there's the just OK screen resolution on the Sammy... and the older Android OS instead of the latest, etc.... Come on Sammy, you're so close!
Although I am an enthusiastic Iphone/Ipad/Mac etc user, I am sadly not surprised that the vapid Apple 1 went for more than the Enigma or the Turing papers, it's kinda the sign of the times and our culture's current love of style vs substance...
*sarcasm on* Who cares if Alan Turing and his fellow Brits helped reduce the length of WW2 due to their excellent work on breaking the Enigma code? It's SO much more important to buy an outdated computer created by a corporation that is currently being helmed by a charismatic narcissistic megalomaniac!
*sarcasm off*
(Paris Hilton because she IS the queen of vapid...)
I see that the article says:
"The coalition government has also pledged to reduce the number of foreign students studying in the UK."
Doesn't this mean that, if this is true, the coalition government are being a bunch of dumbasses? Unless I am mistaken, foreign students must pay much more to attend UK Unis? If this is true, less foreign students means less income for Universities... (somebody in the Coalition did not pay attention in their Economics class ;-)
On the other hand I agree with tougher entry criteria such as English language tests and limiting students' rights to work or bring dependents into the country... perhaps the answer is not in reducing the amount of foreign students allowed in, but ensuring that they meet these rigorous standards especially vis-a-vis language and dependents?
However, thinking about it, I don't think foreign students should be able to bring dependents in to the country period: If you're here to study, then fuckin' study, you're here to learn and make productive use of your time that you have been given the privilege to use, and if you can't "man up" enough to leave mommy and daddy for 3 or 4 years of study, then you should move back home... (Any complaints on this send to dev > null please, as I went to Uni away from home for 4 years, and "survived" being away from the family just fine, thankyouverymuch...)
FFS, the thing has a resistive screen (i.e., not the capacitive one that iphone/ipad etc have!)
Why do these companies insist on using resistive screens? They may be cheaper, but they are such a pain to use, and now that capacitive screens exist, ANY resistive screen will suffer in the comparison! (I'd like a cheap Android tablet to program on, but not with a goddamn resistive screen...)
Sorry, but (in my opinion as a Mexican-American who grew up in/moved to the USA when I was 7, and who now lives in the UK), I believe that it's fair to say that the USA has a predominantly Anglo-Saxon cultural bias... ergo why we speak English as the first language in the USA, and why I am very familiar with Shakespeare, George Orwell, and the Magna Carta.... whereas my grasp of "my" own Mexican history is very shady (I know the French and the Spanish were involved, and that the Spanish tried genocide in Mexico)...
Even though the USA is a melting pot (for example Cinco De Mayo is celebrated by both Mex and Anglo folks in parts of the USA), the basic framework is heavily Anglo-saxon...
The fact is that the British managed to (for a while) dominate the USA over the French (New Orleans), the Spanish (California, Texas, Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, Colorado...), and the Dutch (New York was New Amsterdam, and Harlem is from Haarlem)... the British were the last powerful "owners" before the Founding Fathers broke away from the UK... if the Founding Fathers had broken away when the French or the Spanish or the Dutch were the major powers, it's possible we'd have a strong Hispanic or Latin or Dutch cultural flavor instead...
(I think even Halloween was originally British, was then adopted and changed by us Americans, and has now been re-imported to the UK with the American trappings)...
Having lived in the UK for over 10 years now, I can definitely see hints of the Anglo-American "Puritanism" in the UK... the UK for the most part is LESS prudish than the USA (the extreme Puritans moved from the UK to the USA), but the UK and the US seem to be much more prudish about human bodies (such as bare breasts in public) than for example the French and the Dutch... (I can't tell you how many times when in France I have seen mainstream adverts in Parisian streets that have some human nudity, whether female breasts or male bottoms, whereas the same adverts would be considered verboten in public in the UK and the USA...)
And to say that America, as a young country, does not have a culture is stupid... as a British Mexican-American now living in the UK, I can see many examples of American culture recognized in the UK... not only the obvious ones like McDonalds, Coca-Cola, Levis, and Ipods, but also expressions ("You bet your bottom dollar" or "up your game") and traditions that 10 years ago weren't really used in the UK, but are now... (for example, graduation ceremonies/proms were not really done here in the UK, but in the last 10 years or so I have seen more people adopt these American-style customs....)
EVERY country has a culture, and some snobs (like the French) may disdain certain younger cultures (i.e. American culture), but it does not render such cultures any less valid than ancient crusty ones like the UK ones...
Unless I'm mistaken, aren't we humans far WORSE than the other animals? Last I checked, humans were most effective at murder/genocide, with even the most successful non-human predators (sharks, lions, bears, etc.) left in the dust vis-avis the sheer number of murders against our own kind, let alone against non-human animals...?
Sod that, I'll be working hard until my retirement (am 36 now, so have a ways to go!), so *I* want to have a few years in which to enjoy my retirement before I shuffle off this mortal coil, so 70 is just too late for that (as I am not willing to bet either way as to whether or not I'll live to be 75ish, especially as a pedestrian here in the UK I'm always in danger of getting run over by a twunt!)
However: Mark, if *you* want to retire at age 70, go ahead... I'll wave to you from my cruise ship as I drink my piña colada with the rest of the oldies in 2039 . ;-)