* Posts by ROCO

1 publicly visible post • joined 25 May 2010

School IT quango to be expelled


Home Access - will those with disabilities now be further disadvantaged and discriminated against???

I'm very concerned that the Assistive Technology Equipment Supply (ATES) contract could now be jeopardised by the demise of Becta.

Children with disabilities still haven't received their Home Access systems, as their disabilities need to be addressed with speciailist equipment for them to use the systems... so are the government going to disciminate against those with disabilities, given their Home Access provision was to be provided under the ATES contract - which has been longer in coming than the National roll-out for those with disabilities (which wouldn't be suitable for these kids)?

If this was the case, it would fly in the face of all anti-discrimination legislation in the UK and paint a very poor picture for the new government - let's hope this isn't the case. My limited understanding is that this contract was just about to be awarded, giving those who are already doubly disadvantaged (low incomes + disbilities) a chance for a more level playing field in life.

Just hoping that the government concurs by ensuring these kids with disabilities still receive their Home Access systems with the necessary technology they need to be effective and productive in their education and future employment - which must be a worthwhile long-term benefit to our economy???