* Posts by Steve Davies 2

1 publicly visible post • joined 24 May 2010

School IT quango to be expelled

Steve Davies 2

£4 per licence...

... to the quango, but they make damn sure the school pays more than that.

As referred to by a previous poster, the enforced purchase process and enforced suppliers (the company paying the biggest back-hander?) costs the schools thousands un-necessarily in hardware software and support costs. My daughter's school could employ a full time IT support person and give them a moderate budget for what they pay for the half-baked service they receive at present.

Use Linux/OO/Firefox? - Yes, I am one of those zealots, but still think that school students are better off learning about Windows and Mac environments too.

Just stop the rip-off. Good move ditching that bunch of wasters... Lets see more of this type of thing... CSA? Child Tax Credits anyone?...