Dey took 'er jerbs
"Consequently, GPT-3 is prone to making authoritative statements that are utterly and completely false."
It sounds like media pundits should be more worried than software developers about their jobs being replaced by ChatGPT.
14 publicly visible posts • joined 24 May 2010
Although it might not seem it, it's actually better for people's wellbeing to make cuts before rather than after Christmas.
The reason is that most people have their highest spending period over Christmas, and if they know their job isn't secure they can reduce their spending. If you wait until Jan/Feb, they often have a massive credit card bill from the festivities and are then told their income to pay it off is about to evaporate. is the place to go.
Just flashed my S3. No more crapware, runs 3x faster. Result.
Surprisingly easy too, I had a few niggles getting the right USB driver on my Windows 8 machine to install it, but their forums sorted me out. Certainly a process I'd guess any Reg reader would be capable of.
If you feel this law needs scrapping (like I do), please take a few minutes to write to your mp at
Labour passed this, at the height of their fervour for removing our civil liberties.
The coalition has shown some will so far to reverse Labour's fascist state with the scrapping of ID cards. Perhaps if we put a little more pressure on them, they'll be encouraged to stand up to the US bullies.
“Striker does't seem like a bad guy in our book, but a silently installing espionage suite should be detected by a security suite,”
Isn't the job of a security suite to detect bad stuff, whether or not the bad stuff wants detecting?
Or are F-Secure just complaining because they haven't figured out how to detect it yet?