Re: James May
He does according to the super-secret court injunctions :)
305 publicly visible posts • joined 23 May 2010
Given that Bonobo's are the primates that lurve to fuck. It can only be presumed that once they have access to words then it won't be long before we can expect some Mills & Boon bodice rippers from them.
As far as the robot is concerned, I hear Ann Summers has expressed an interest in partnership with Duracell.
...why is it in the post-9/11 world people are automatically assumed to be guilty?
Has the "innocent until proven guilty" mindset in this world of terrorism disappeared for every big media bust?
Is it any wonder that the US is the most reviled nation on Earth?
If you can find me a 50" plasma monitor (none of that LCD/LED rubbish for me) at a TV price I'd be more than happy.
I only watch blu-rays, occasional DVDs and HD-DVDs, downloaded TV shows in hi-def and MKVs. That's it. Broadcast TV is so shite these days it really isn't worth the expense of putting a tuner in a TV.
Gimme a hi-quality screen where the usual expense of all the fripperies is spent on the plasma panel and its associated electronics and I'd be a happy man
I have a 3-year-old Panasonic plasma with a PC with HDMI out (and a Keysonic wireless keyboard with integrated trackpad). Far smarter than any smart TV out there.
But if I were to buy a new TV it would have had to have all the money spent on getting the best picture it can. No 3D, no 'net access, no media streaming. Just a very, very good monitor really. My Denon amp and Mordaunt-Short 6.1 supplies the sound so it wouldn't even need a volume control.
These days TVs are getting more and more like the integrated stereo systems of old and it'll get to the point where they do everything with mediocrity but nothing with brilliance.
I've been on opiates for nigh on 30 years, all courtesy of a long list of quacks of course, first dihydrocodeine and now tramadol (the latter I have a physical dependency on...my pain clinic consultant says "addicted is when you mug old grannies for your drugs, patients are 'physically dependent'" - I like my consultant. So what happens if I get scanned? I'm doing drugs quite legally with the full knowledge of my quack and the DVLA, but I'm sure Mr Plod won't give a shit at 3am on a cold night when my brakelight bulb has gone (and I have a digital camera on the seat next to me!).