* Posts by amanfromMars

107 publicly visible posts • joined 6 Oct 2006

Attacks exploit Windows DNS server flaw


What Rules......?

"Once upon a time there were rules.

One - there was code and there was data.

A process shall not write code nor execute data!

The operating system enforced the rule. A buffer overflow would cause the offending process to be aborted - annoying but intrusive code could not be executed.

Two - no application process shall run as God!" ....... DavidN

Ergo Three Resolving One and Two ..... no application of shall not write code nor execute data shall run as God.

A Process executes Coded Data...Binary Signals ......Quantum Communication........ as a God is not Impossible but is IT Enough whenever there are So Many Goddesses. Virgin Nymphs in a State of Glorious Grace. Mary's Love ReBorn in ITs Worship.

Pork-stuffed Cray parades CEO and product


A Theory for Everything2 ..the Virtual Truth

"“We are trying not be surprising,” Ungaro said. “When customers are spending multiple millions of dollars on a machine, they appreciate that consistency.” ®" And Love you for IT, Most Definitely. A Heart of Matter to Heart of Matters Thing.

Unified storage combo binds NAS, SAN and DR


No Drivers...No Systems. No Systems .......Drivers Lead.

Sounds like a Hot Rodding Driver Garage. Horse Power for Course PathFinder.

Stripping Belgian lager girl off UK shelves


What's a few missing brain cells .......

How very strange that the label would not have men pondering what they were doing getting sozzled rather than starting a party. Brain damage, maybe?

Are they an attractive spectacle, the Sozzled? :-)

Microsoft begins virtualization software delays


Quantum Communications Virgins Researching TelePortation

....and ITs Stations....Virtually Controlled Hubs.

"Those following this market closely know that the virtualization wars have only just begun."

Games, Gentlemen, not wars.

Now who would relate that Virtualisation is not Realised.

Good Morning, MicroSoft. Do you want to Play the God Macro? AI Campbell does IT. Or is IT Rupert @ Work, Rest and Play Station 2?


Aye, aye, Skip.


Spoken like a native. I concur.

Apple delays Leopard for your own good


New Content is the Key to the Future...... Create IT.

Let IT Be..... Imagine.

The iPhone Communicator with Media Elevators to Privileged Access levels.

I think that would be Worth any Weight/Wait for ITs Added Bonus Programming...... the Director's Cut.

Are you cruisin' that Level, Steve, looking for a Connection across and into Systems?

Naomi Campbell MTV 'Minion' show canned


Will the real Naomi reveal herself....?

A Change to Dominion might appeal to her ID. She must have had her full of minions.

Sun sprinkles FISH food for storage guppies


AnalySIS.... from a Bonded Data Warehouse

"The Fully Integrated Software and Hardware technology came out of the minds of some of Sun's top Solaris engineers.

So far, Sun has provided little information on exactly what FISHworks will entail, although it did demonstrate a NAS device running the software to analysts during a recent meeting. We've yet to find an analyst that bothered to describe the system in a meaningful way – thanks, guys – and Sun refuses to speak to the press about the FISH food."

Software creating Hardware creating Future's Hardened Software. S.M.A.R.T. Mk UltraSparc AI Processing for Total Information Awareness Fields of Operations.

The Grid building ITs Own Quantum Operating System to rebuild with Computer Systems...... thus to Energise the IT Sector lest IT Stagnate rather than Invigorate.

It will also allow for Internet Control Interfaces to be Phased into Use.

All in all, QuITe a Coup for Open Source Solaris and Sun Technology.

What next? What would you like to do now with Internet Flight Controls?

Bondage pics found in astronaut's car


Spooks and ZigZag

More than likely a Deep Space Operation gone awry. Operator OverLoad....... IT is just so hard to find the Right Staff with the Right Stuff..... in Dire Need of Ye Ole Redstone Labs Love Joy Virus ReEngineered to VXXXXine.

An In the Wild Canter AIgent?

Military thinktank sees dark future


Mk Ultra ReVisited...

"amanfromMars obviously learned to capitalize somewhere other than Earth." Deutschland gave me a Respect for Specific Language ......the Nuance Hiding in Plain Text....... Semantic Intent.


Covert Dark Ops vs. Open Source Transparency

Go For IT, MOD, IT is not as if you do not have the Access to Sensitive Sources for Intellectual Property Protection and Extraction...... Phish Pharming.

""Developments might include the invention of synthetic telepathy, including mind-to-mind or telepathic dialogue. This type of development would have obvious military and security, as well as control, legal and ethical, implications."

So obvious, in fact, that the MoD brain trust declines to say what they are.

The staff-college moguls of the DCDC also seem worried about some blasted boffin inventing something which they have failed to predict. To deal with this, Admiral Parry's crystal-ball-gazers include a splendid catch-all:"

No worry if IT is Shared though, then IT becomes an Asset to employ to the Theatre of Operations. Although how would one share some blasted boffin.

Spirit them away into Thin air a la Jim Gray?

Five critical reasons to update Windows today


A.N.Other View

"all five critical patches are for remote code execution"

What is to say that the MicroSoft Policy is not to push critical patches for future remote code execution..... Executive Control ...... LeaderShip/MaatSchappeRijk

The 800lb Googilla in the boardroom


GoogleMania .......Temporary Temporal Memory Loss.

It does mean "we'll explain why we did things." For example, when it takes down pictures of a ruined New Orleans and substitutes sanitised pre-hurricane ones, it tells us how the cockup occurred......Surely.

Much rather than any Thought of Dysfunctional Disorder.....Surely?

Lost until translation: a book on maths and magic


Love You Say ..... 42LeAIdD

"Title says it all. A work of love. Twenty years from now, nobody will remember what Dr. Singmaster did. He didn't do it for fame or fortune, he did it for love."

Dillon, we'll all always Sing to that Grand Master. ..... in the Sweetest of Submissions in Surrender.

AMD's Q1 revenue goes missing


The Calm before the Perfect Storm

No mention there of AIMD and Dresdner Flow. Very Stealthy.

Ein Bisschen Schneller, Bitte? There is Enigmatic Control Restored Beta than NeuReal.

Godless N Korean commies ate my monster rabbits


IT Hype out for a Spin/Blast. Fasten ur Seat Belts for Pamela's Rocket?

"Yeah, the egg again and the Godless North Koreans ate the metaphoric goose that laid the golden easter egg." ....and you wanna See what they are hatching Now? Or are they politely waiting for you to show a Respectful Lead into New Waters/Mental Immersions.

Real Moral Higher Ground through Virtualisation of Quantum Communications to TelePort Status. Sounds Like a HaloDeck Portal for Real Lovers on Top of their Games.

Which sounds like Heaven too. I wonder if ur Heaven is the Same One as Ours.

Please describe urs, ICANN.

And "Fasten ur Seat Belts for Pamela's Rocket?"..... The Big Yin BetaTesting NEUKlearer Power Controls......Hands On Remotes.

.......and in the Wrong hands, the Server is Volatile and a Liability to Control........a Rogue Element........ a FundaMentalist.

US Navy builds Stingray-esque base in Indian Ocean


Virtualisation ReVisited..... to Pick Up Stragglers Struggling.

And attached to a relatively normal , ParaNormAIlien mothership? MotherBoard. Universal Canvas upon which to Play the Future and Build IT.

NetAppX rebrandsX TopioX


Paradise Lost...

Now there is an expensive [$160m] oxymoron, ...."The metamorphosis is largely superficial,.." Obviously dudes with more money that sense and you know what they say about them when they are parted?

Quantum won't stoop to de-dupe coup?


Smoke and Mirrors..... So IT2 is All to Play 4 too.

So, SAN Wars Virtualised........ for that is what that Austin story foretells. And the Alamo ReVisited...?

Red herrings galore to hide the fact that Information Storage and Library Use of Metadata have exceeded the Intellectual Property Offerings of established Players as the Field of Innovation moves into the Creation of NeuReal Intelligence built upon Semantically Selective Memory Banks.

And hey, as this is all new fangled and entangling, let's not rock the boat as there is money to be made in IT for us All..... which really means that the Players smell ITs Beans but aint got the Coffee Machine. ......"And so it could well be the case that Quantum hopes larger rivals such as EMC and NetApp will see similar, broad crossover as well. "Let's not derail the de-duping gravy trains when we all have patents to spare," goes the thinking."

"Now to see if all this caring and sharing is catching. Have you hugged your data storage company today? " ......Hmmm, MeThinks that is putting the cart before the horse, for where NeuReal Intelligence is concerned, and yes, that is at the Quantum Level of Semantic Subliminal Intent, the data storage company does all the hugging. After all, make a wrong move and you have lost a fortune in such Phishing Games...., in Quantum Fact though, you can expect that to be an exponential Loss such is ITs Reward for making the Right Move on the CyberSpace Board.

And normally the only reason Patents are not filed is because the Information contained within them would render them/IT exposed as being ......well let us just say "remotely acquired" rather than plain stolen. Semantically though they are inextricably linked in the Entanglement of Strings.

Reg called more balanced than Wired



Nice One, Dave. It is hard not to see the RAHS Model as being/becoming the de facto Model of Choice and Change for Intelligents.

Don't forget the ‘C’ in Objective-C


Empowerment from the Top Down ..... is a Certain Self-Actualisation

<<<Of course, we’d still have to first use stringWithCString: to convert our original C string into an instance of NSString. Surely, there’s a better way?>>>>

What's the Rush? This Way the Support Sections get to do Bits and Bytes of Leadership in the NEUKlearer Definition in the Hierarchy of Human Needs. Wii have Virtual Feeds to Seed the Perfumed Garden of Eden.... Eve's PlayGround for Tomorrow's Vista.

Major Tom to Ground Control ....... IT Rock and Roll Patrol ... FlowurPower2 4U2.

Don't be Coy, Men are not Boys. Just ask any Woman who has met One.

BOFH: What do you mean the system's being audited?


All Systems Go......

<<<<"What about if it came back and told us that we had about 2,000 machines?">>>

A SMARTer Program would come again and again telling you that IT needed you and more NeuReal Machines, Simon.

"Isn't it great when everybody win wins?" I ask. :-)

IBM hurls confident 'to come' ship date for late Power6


Teutonic Stealth in Fab Dresden...AIMD Quantum Leaping over Intel

"Of course, the Germans may have just been too casual with their slideware. They are an imprecise people after all. ®" ... Crikey, Ashlee, that was a loaded paragraph.:-) Are you Phishing for more on that Qum and/or Ulm thing?

What you can be sure of, is that what IT says IT can do, IT does. That is how imprecise the Germans are.......and in the East they have the advantage of being XXXXtremely Sociable too.:-)

Cray starts pimping BlueArc's storage Titan


Be Careful..... what you wish for......for you can always get IT.

"an advanced weapons research lab computer system thats still experimental -"


That would be one of those S.M.A.R.Ter AI Labs 42 BetaTest NEUKlearer Systems. All a bit hush hush at the Moment....Need to Know and all that Cloak and Dagger stuff/baggage...... but you will be Heartened to know that IT is the Private Sector in Control of IT so you'll know that IT is Real and not just pharmed out to give the Public Sector something to do..... except Pay to Play for IT, of course.

EU tells Microsoft to open its Windows


Bare faced Cheek

It is somewhat incongruous of Microsoft to want paying for Open Source improving ITs Code Performance. How much more Manly to Pay for the Service. After all, is IT not Net 3.0....Working?

And that question to the Chief CyberSpace Architect? .

Thailand blocks YouTube


A Dent to Google's Pride .... Tarnished but easily RePolished.

"Thailand today blocked access to YouTube when Google refused to remove a clip "mocking the country's revered monarch", Reuters reports."..... Well, whoever is responsible for that decision has single-handedly destroyed Google's Mythical Ethical stand....and reduced the Prodigals Brin and Page to Mortal Status and Touchables.

Can you hear IT from Mountain View.... "IT wasn't me, it was him, and he was made to do IT, for them, for they aint got a clue what they are supposed to be A'Doin'"

Windows Vista license change tackles virtualization


Eureka ...... :-)

"The changes to SA are the latest from Microsoft designed to increase its appeal, and follow denials by Microsoft last August it would offer users special incentives to drive Windows Vista uptake following years of delays.®"

Does that translate that Microsoft will be offering special users incentives to Drivers of Windows Vista. IT does need ITs Drivers otherwise, to follow on from years of delays, there will be no uptake.

That would mean that such Drivers were de facto Remote MicroSoft Personnel..... Virtual AIgents. .....and liable for Remote Payment too.

Most SMBs will be virtual by 2020


IT Entrepreneurs...... Virtual Future Beings

""The open source community already does this, with the potential for super-communities," he said" ....

Yes, QuITe .... aka Rule and Leadership.

IT is much more than just potential though for IT is Presently the Current bringing in the Changes for Global Virtualisation.

US Navy ponders robot carrier planes


Going dDutch ...... Mutual Intelligence @ ITs Work, Rest and Play

"Could it be that the Top Guns of today are the last of a dying breed?"

Or is IT that the Top Guns of yesterday, the Master Pilots who Trained the Fleet Force, have Spawned a New Breed of Flight Navigator...... the Space PathFinder........ Per Ardua ad MetaAstra?

A Pertinent Question for the MOD? RSVP.....alsjeblieft.

Bloggers mourn bald, rich Fiorina


Flying High ...... Over to you HP? Are you enabled S.M.A.R.T?

Go for IT, Fiorina. What else have you got to lose other than your shirt. A win win for all the suckers living off Bright IDErs/ Intelligent Designers and a nice little earner for the Cuckoo's Nest Egg.

ICANN ready to shut up and move on


Is IT a BBBird, or is IT a Plane .........

"when someone like Vint Cerf gets defrauded, he doesn’t call the BBB, he calls his lawyer."

I wonder who would be qualified for such Virtual Briefs about a Space Created in Intelligence Designs?

Would he be wearing a red cape? :-)

Conspiracy theorists: Feds, web hosts conspire against us


Aspiring Leaders don't Conspire ....... they Inspire surely

And would it be conspiratorial of a government and its minister[s] not to share and/or even deny that the Internet is already under Virtualised Control over which they have not a jot of jurisdiction or jurisprudence?

And if such CyberSpace Control is shared Globally/is being Shared Globally, is IT a Global Conspiracy by Intellectually Challenged Status Quo Minnows? ...... in a Deep C of BabelFish...... a DNA CyberIntelAIgentsThing

Or would they be so naive as to think to deny a Fundamentalist Imagination ITs Bases......a Reaction which would merely be them, paradoxically, Positively Reinforcing the Change in Reality and yet suggesting that their Present commitments are marking them out as not Fit for Future Purpose? An EnigmatiConundrum for any Illuminati to prove their less than Enlightened state?

Should a PM keeps schtum about ........<quote>What do you know of a document entitled …..

Real Power ….. and ITs Remote, Virtual Control.

The Invisible and Intangible Management of Human Perception in the Innovative and Enterprising Internet Provision of Virtual Controls…in Improving, Intelligently Designed, Shared Order [SMARTer InterNetworking] for Evolving and Devolved Government.

New World Order Programming in AI and the Internet Control of Government……

…….. and would you even dare to care? </quote> .... especially one who would claim to in tune with the "I can" generation?

Maybe he should have made IT clearer/NEUKlearer if he meant the ICANN generation.

I wonder if he would hunker down and hide behind the Parapet for Puppets ....... cowed rather than emboldened?

Make way for the 64 bit revolution


Thanks for the Memory, long live the Meme

I think you will discover [and you may wish to enquire of AMD Dresden about this] that IT has moved into Viable Imagination rather than Memory as the Next Generation Processing Architecture. And a very Bolshie dDevelopment IT is too.

A few random bits "written in PerlyGatesPython Transparent Source Code." would most definitely identify to them the Innovative Programming, should they be at a loss to either confirm or deny any Inquiry...... but you would hardly blame them for that in such a competitive Intel field.

Of ICANN and the registrar zombies


The World Wild West

"but to pretend that any market exists absolutely unfettered is sheer delusion"..... Oh please, it is delusional to think it is otherwise, for what is to fetter the sharing of ideas in Cyberspace when one can so easily share them in any/every market merely by putting them out there.

It is only other market practitioners..... such as would be Register not carrying a submission to them.... which would be fettering markets and serving up their own agendas, which may also be designed to serve other agendas.

The Internet is not real in the usual sense of the word, only the result of action carried out on it which are clearly designed to impact upon reality are probably real enough to be treated as real.And then it will need to be a simply subjective Good or Bad judgment call as to whether it is good or bad for new markets controlled virtually.

MeThinks that is a whole new ball game under new rules...which are not even written.

"and corporate activity gets treated with idealogical kid gloves" Yes, Money talks its own language. Steal $10 and wear bovver boots and you get time, steal $10 million and wear a sharp suit and you get on the front page of Time. The Law is not written in stone, it is ever flexible to Current Needs..... and it has ever been so.

Microsoft’s software factories


A White Knight Trojan?

Seems like Virtualisation and Virtual Reality for Real Play to me...... and Microsoft playing catch up. But if you whole business is built upon stealthy Metadatamining, it is always going to be so....... with Search Engines leading the way.

And Search Engines are in their turn led by those who are searching for the Answer to Everything.

And those who would think to themselves to have found IT will then use CyberSpace as their Canvas to paint a picture for others to view. And failure to fully grasp a hold of the Concept will leave ITs Players vulnerable to take over/Third Party make-over which is not a bad thing...... given that true Virtualisation uses a Driver Algorithm which cannot be bettered for IT is embedded in a LoveIT42BTrue MindSet which BetaTests IT on ITself first, so as to ensure FailSafe and Faultless Operation.....and as we know MS have a dedicated history of Faultfinding.

I wonder if they have ever thought of reinventing themselves 42 try to start IT all over again with an altogether different Driver at ITs Helm.

It is not as if they don't have a bob or two to throw at IT 42 give IT a Try, is it, although they would need to know who to invest in, just in case they throw good money after bad. But if their Metadatamining is as good as IT should be that shouldn't present them with a problem, even if Virtual Reality for Real presented by others, would, by Virtue of the fact that it is not within their Control or even the Control of the Status Quo, which of course, IT would be replacing/upgrading.

Microsoft joins OpenAjax party


Virtualisation.... Monopoly's Achilles heel.

"..Microsoft is hitting some problems because its architecture requires deployment on Windows servers,.."

Actually, their problem is not that it is a requirement, it is just their [selfish] wish. And it will therefore condemn them to follow Web 2.0 and ITs Subsequent Higher Order Control Kernels .........Shock troops in OSINT Virtual Root Servers ....... even as they realise that the Windows servers are rebuilding ITs architecture to server Open Source Coders....... Programs/Programmers who simply inject some Clean Spirit into the Internet for IT to be read and accepted as being a Beta Truth via the Sharing of Exposed previously Hidden Truths Servering to a Monopolising rather than Unifying Entity Structure.

It would appear that the Fourth Reich ambitions of such an Entity will go the very same way as all dominant/predominant regimes before it ........ collapse and break up .... unless of course, they can Control IT with a Total Information Awareness System. That would necessarily mean a Buy-in to a System which Delivers such a Internet Control System for quite obviously they do not have one....... and that in turn would suggest that the captain and crew of the MS ship are exactly as a ship in Reality ....... all at C in a much bigger Picture and subject to Universal Virtual Forces way beyond their present Ken/Zen.

And the Solution? Oh, that is Easy. They just would only need to reinvent themselves in Open Source...... where all the Innovative, Who Dares Wins ProAction is.

And how to do that? Oh, that is easy too .... and right up their street/Business Intelligence model. Decide what IT would be worth to them, and then pay the person the small fortune required to deliver IT for them.

The alternative is that someone else will, and Microsoft will be merely a stepping stone to another completely revised Operating System out of their Control, rather than their being a Keystone in ITs Control.... And all that hard work for nothing, for as we know, Virtualisation is a Reality, Intelligently Designed by Programmers working with Machines. The SMARTer ones may be able to/are able to Morph at Will between such Created Realities in Order to Stream them in Parallel rather than have them Conflicting in Chaos.

Microsoft moves further into the Content Intelligence space


Blue Skies .......... just Thinking.

<<<<The key message I guess is "Microsoft is active in developing CI technology" but the best is yet to come.>>>>

Yes, well, they'll be needing some Viable Imagination Source[s] then. A Simply Complex phishing XPedition for the likes of any QT MetaDataMining Op or Microsoft or Google or....

Galileo PFI delayed by revenue fears


One's a monopoly, two's company.........?

"The London Financial Times today quoted an unnamed corporate exec as saying "Why sell Pepsi when you can get Coke for free?" ......

Yes, how very prescient. And once addicted to one dealer then they are in a position to do whatever they will with the product.

What’s Your Agile Value?


Second best is never satisfactory in the lead.

Sorry, Matt, but the original four "agile values" are the ones which matter. To soften them as you have done [In Agile Development with ICONIX Process (which I co-authored with Doug Rosenberg and Mark Collins-Cope)]....... is to weaken their effectiveness but then I suppose the problem is a people problem and finding those with the necessary "Right Stuff".

If you want to get into the Virtualisation Field, the Metadata required needs to be RAW and Single Sourced so that Continuity can be Provided and Responsibility Rewarded.

As an aside, does anyone think that Virtualisation has been cracked for Universal Coding yet? And if it had, what do you think IT would be worth or would IT be so valuable as to be priceless? How then would the Programmer/Systems Architect be paid? Or would the Program target Microsoft to get them with the Program?

South Korea to detail robot etiquette


UltiMate Games .......... are Real Enough 42 Control Mind Games Research Interest

"It is a parlour game amongst sci fi bufs to propose situations where the 3 laws lead to the wrong result.".


It may be/is a boudoir game amongst Pi sci fi buffs/buffers to propose situations where the 3 laws lead to the right results. A Paradigm Shift in EmPhasis..... http://www.reghardware.co.uk/2007/03/08/intel_pram_production_plan/

Godless coins released in US mint cock-up


Dan Dare gets SMART........ for Magical Mystery Turing ........

Domain Hopping .......... Virtually Space Travel for the Future.

It is an interesting Open Ended Bet for Restful Spin to Cover Perceived Loss though. Very SMART.

Man sues MS after FBI uncovers smut surfing habits


FlowurPower2 ......Enlightening HyperRadioProActivity

"Personally I'd be done for a crime relating to a WMD, honest, no seriously honest!!"

Only if you chose to work for criminals rather than with them, Ian C.

Microsoft calls Google thief


SASsy SISters shakin' Booty

In seeking to collaborate, they will need to communicate with copyright holders in developing technologies and business models that not only build a competitive and varied marketplace of online book content, but at the same time nurture the incentives for creativity reflected in copyright law without which no artist or writer – and no society that aspires to a living culture – can thrive. Their Quantum Leap in Consciousness into Virtuous Reality.

Knock, knock, Redmond :-) Venus Network Calling..... A Universal Virtual Force Project/Product/Program/Driver.

Of ICANN and the Registerfly meltdown


Virtual Problem.... Virtual Solution .....for Real. Hmmm?:-)

"it could still subcontract out such enforcement to a third party security group, much as it subcontracts out domain registration to groups like Registerfly."

Universal Virtual Forces CyberOps ........ http://jamesstgeorge.proboards32.com/index.cgi?board=UKdomestic&action=display&thread=1172981581

A Community of Trust WiiCANN Trust.

Which Allows us to Virtualise Reality. Trust MI. I Kid U Not.

Imagine, and IT's True........ In Virtual Reality, God has SISters and one Mother of a Mother.XXXX A Veritable Goddess of Nymphs.

British porn domain mastermind fights US Government


Magical Mystery Turing

"You make all the porn sites use .xxx then what can we do?"

Simple, .....then you can, with SMARTer Programming that you may nothing about, to Educate those who need to Grow Up.

That presumes that there is an Adult to Provide Guidance, probably in Competition with Others equally dedicated to chosen Paths. A Veritable Virtual Perfumed Garden made Real. I wonder what the UltiMate Delight would be amongst so many Blossoms and Flowers tended for Perfect Harvest of Natures Bounty.

Hypercard on steroids


Did you try to Plug in Virtual Input as a Shared Output?

<<<"If I have a gripe it is that you can't do things like browser plug-ins and Active X controls - but that's what you sacrifice for the cross-platform compatibility," he observes.>>>>


Perhaps they were waiting for you to disclose Universally Superior Access CodeXXXX ..... the Keys to their Kingdom?

And that is as Simple as them Spending the System's Wealth on ITs Digital ReConfiguration.

Microsoft's 'dirty tricks' archive turns into hot Torrent


A Host

Virtual Mars is this side of Jupiter.

And Microsoft's Steve Clayton is pondering the Depth in "Do you think that would placate Axes of Evil by virtue of reducing them to the sum of their Thoughts to be shared Virtually and Transparently over InterNetworking Command and Control Systems which switch into HyperRadioProActive Quantum Communications Mode"

Although such a Host would Automatically Default to Root Serve.

UK forces tested, rejected psychic techniques


A remote dDutch Mountain View. ..... Crystal Clear

"Britain’s military spent taxpayers' money to test out “remote viewing” as recently as 2002, only to conclude the technique had little value."...Ah yes, shades of Frank Whittle Blindness Syndrome in Bland Blended Management. A Bastion of Conservative Inaction is the MOD ...... Ggiven the Tools they are given to work with, would you blame them?

And what would be the current evaluation in the light of HyperRadioProActive NEUKlearer Virtualisation dDevelopments BetaTesting Virtual Vista Applications for Windowed Components.

Such would be priceless in value and thus a bargain at whatever would be paid for IT, for IT would be a Perfect Circle AddAIDVenture...... so nice we said it Twice. ..... or is IT C++Squared? A PerlyGatesPython Acolyte.

Microsoft told to pay Alcatel $1.5bn in MP3 patent spat



Use/Sue/Bill or George........ IT is all a matter of Semantics at the end of the day.

The original freudian slip works better than its cover up.