* Posts by Charley

9 publicly visible posts • joined 30 May 2007

16,000 namesakes cry foul over US terror watch list


@ Luther Blissett

I believe this is the appropriate icon for your comment.

Oscar Wilde voted top Brit wit


Spike Quote:

"If a cat had kittens in an oven, would that make them biscuits?"

Florida man faces trial for feeding homeless


Eat the homeless

That would achieve two things.

1. Less hungry homeless

2. Less homeless.

Then we could move on to eating criminals. Once we've eaten all of them we'd have all these big empty prisons where we could house all of the hom... Hang on, let me think about this a bit more.

I'll get back to you.

US Navy to remodel Hitler's San Diego bunker



It may well have been designed by Albert Speer. I believe he got out of Spandau around then.

Pirate Bay sues media giants for 'sabotage'


Someone has to say it.

W3 r in u b@se, k1ll1ng @ll ur D00dz....hehehe...

BOFH: In search of the lazy atom



How come all the episodes, including last week's, are displayed where they're supposed to be?

Google-hating Aussie watchdog smacked by confused judge


Pretty misleadfing alright....

I put Charlestown Toyota into Google and some of the results weren't from Charlestown Toyota in Australia at all!!! Some were even from Charlestown Toyota Rhode Island!! I could have bought a car with the steering wheel on the wrong side, all because of Googles irresponible attitude!!

Fortunately, being a Kiwi, I'm harder to confuse than our Aussie cousins.

Click here for the UK's highest-paid IT post


Title @ |333173|3|_||3

Bugger just checked. NT 3.51 on the shelf here, not 4.

Sorry I can't help you there.

'Dettol Man' cleans himself to death



Darwin is also a place in Australia. The plot thickens.