Gimme, Gimme, Gimme
Beautiful - a shame a lot of the beauty can only be seen from the side
Trading in my existing 27inch iMac? - probably not, but some deffo lusting here
66 publicly visible posts • joined 18 May 2010
Meh - The queues where healthy in Central London yesterday
I picked one up in Central London yesterday and its a beautiful little machine - especially compared to the cheapo crap being peddled by Amazon
Amazon / Samsung / Google would give their eye teeth so see people queuing for their rubbish devices
"Introducing the Manchester event, Andy Wigley, from Microsoft mobile specialists APPA Mundi, explained that Windows Mobile 6.5 remains Microsoft's business smartphone platform. Windows Phone 7 is aimed at consumers"
A platform with a minuscule chunk of the market and they sub-divide it even further?
As if the average punter gives a damn about browser speeds
What they want is a nice bit of kit in their pockets, something thats easy to use and update, maybe even something that has a bit of resale value when they decide to upgrade.
I love the idea of Android but its got a long, long way to go to get close to the Apple offering.
Bing, Zune, Kin, Vista, Mobile - all total rubbish and don't get me started on the office suite or their abysmal advertising campaigns.
Add the very visible and very very hateable CEO
Yup - lots to Loath / Laugh at (Delete where applicable)