Re: Why should Apple be worried?
Oh, but profits do.
31 publicly visible posts • joined 18 May 2010
So Holder said "It is fully possible to permit law enforcement to do its job while still adequately protecting personal privacy." No it is not. Law enforcement absofuckinglutely does not care about citizens' privacy. And we now owe a debt of gratitude to Edward Snowden for showing us exactly that!
Holder can go piss up a rope!
Wicker, however, withdrew his support in 2010, stating that "... the television industry has been moving in the right direction on commercial advertising audio volume. Therefore, I do not believe government intervention is necessary at this time."
More likely, he was the recipient of a "generous" political contribution from the Advertisers' PAC (Political Action Committee for you Brits). Meaning: he's been bought and paid for like all the rest of the Republicans (and some Democrats) in Congress.
Sir, can you do no better than to use a disgusting, insensitive term such as "commentards"? How would you like it being used in reference to you? It's time to stop all uses of such things as this. It has no place in decent journalism, and is very disturbing for decent folks to see and hear.