Re: Does that mean we're entitled to all MP meta data?
Ahh. how cute. Obviously you hadn't heard of the Wilson Doctrine . MPs are exempt !!
9 publicly visible posts • joined 17 May 2010
It makes a very good compliment to VM as they can now no longer traffic shape *anything* (p2p or http) and also I can watch hulu and other such services too. And of course you are no longer blocked by any sites the the UK govt or VM deem as unsuitable for paying customers.
I initially only got a vpn service so I could have a point-of-presence in the US to improve skype (the alternative was allow skype nodes to do the routing and that was .. basically ... abysmal).
I only wish I could put a referral link here....
I have an ardupilot / arduplane and I would have hoped to see more cred points to it in this article as - even though it is credited with "Control of the aircraft" .. it has built in accelerometers, magnometers, GPS autopilot, waypoint + altitude navigation, geofencing, fly-by-wire capability, telemetry etc etc ... it's an incredible piece of kit that can almost fit inside a matchbox ... at a squeeze... ok a swan vesta matchbox then. The Pi is just a passenger in all this (for what I can see) and does not actually direct the navigation (yet).
The primary reason I bought the xoom was that I thought it was a "Google experience device" - ie on the list of devices that Google prioritize for updates... However, it is NOT outside the US !! This has frustrated me almost to the point of returning it ... especially with 3.2 being distributed already to other tablets..
I'm not a "must have the latest" fanboi, but 3.0.1 was broken in soo many places, the browser, gmail and obviously the SD slot etc. About time... that's all I can say...
I have this and the nexus one.. For usual "office / home" life the nexus is my first choice, but if I'm going away for the weekend or doing something outdoorsy then my SIM goes into the Samsung and I'm happy it can take a bashing and I don't have to care about getting wet, battery life etc etc. It can read email at a stretch, but it's nice to get away from those things every now and then.
In fact... this last weekend I had this phone for "outdoors" and in the backpack the moto xoom and it was a winning combo ... I wonder if that kind of "hardy" phone + more tech tablet combo may catch on ?