How many tracks per purchase?
It says "6,000 times". Each "time" could be a single credit card transaction purchasing several songs / albums. I think it still sounds out by an order of magnitude or so though.
2 publicly visible posts • joined 16 May 2010
This data is not stored on a single hard drive.
It is probably duplicated on several google servers, each with RAID arrays of disks and on several backup tapes.
Even once you've identified all the disks / tapes it's held on you then have to decide how hard you should make it for someone to recover data from those disks. Threse days it's generally considered fairly easy (i.e. relatively cheap) to retrieve data from a disk that's been completely overwritten 5 or 6 times.
And then you've got to convince everyone outside of google (i.e. governments etc) that you actually have securely destroyed every single copy.