"He accessed Cisco's AWS five months after quitting Cisco."
So, how is it he was ABLE to access CISCO's VM's after leaving? Surely his access should have been removed when he left?
130 publicly visible posts • joined 14 May 2010
Originally, No 3D card helped with this game, it didn't take advantage of any 3D acceleration and was purely a software renderer.... 3DFX would never help here.
However, in later years some clever people hacked around the Build engine to enable 3D acceleration, and higher resolution textures... which is nice.
Nope, the op clearly states:
"Not wanting to go back to the computers of 20 years ago, I can't see the point of running a 32-bit machine now."
Doesn't mention architecture. Irrespective of the platform, there are many good reasons to use a 32bit OS and simply put there is a point of running a 32bit machine and isn't as antiquated as the OP suggests.
It;s not an investment in a statup, that would suggest you get shares in the company. You don't invest, you buy a product (possibly slightly cheaper) but you don't get anything else back for your "investment". Now, a crowdfunding exercise where you buy shares into a startup would be more interesting ... oh wait...
"Sometimes the only way to effect change that has a hope of persisting is to fight fire with fire, therefore the historically persistent yet still endemic discrimination has to be fought with equal discrimination"
So instead of fighting against discrimination, your solution is to persist it.. so for the post you are responding to, you are one of the hypocrites they are talking about.
Your not part of the solution, your part of the problem.
Joust you listen to me! This type of talk belongs in a Circus! Trolling like this will turn this thread into a Battlezone, I usually Dodge'Em but I as an original player of the 2600, I wanted to stop this chatter going on the Rampage!
Cmon guys, do the Basic Maths, this new Atari has a Stellar Track record ..they just need to sort out the Gremlins. Waiting for this console is no Picnic, but speculation is Out of Control! Hopefully we will all see Atari isn't Mr Don't...and is in fact Mr Do!
Ok,ok... I'm getting my coat..
"and those at the workstations didn't notice any difference "
I've nothing against Linux, I use it myself.. but that comment is bollocks. I understand the Firefox point, and any other application which is cross platform but the Desktop and LibreOffice for instance have massive differences in their UI and how they work. Techies may not find it that difficult a leap, but for the average user it would be much more of a struggle.
"And if you have that much code client side then perhaps you should rethink your whole design"
So if you have an enterprise application, with a JSON API and an HTML5 ui... then you going to have a bit of JS to manage. I'm not saying that's a good thing, but how else do you do it?
Hmmm, are you sure?
"And at the same time an alternating colour palette was applied to each line to make bands of colour run towards the player."
"Space Harrier and Hang-On used the same system (though with just one 'road'). The big difference in Space Harrier was that its starting image was a series of evenly spaced strips running to the horizon instead of just a single road. Then with the palette shifts applied you got the familiar gingham-shaded chequerboard."
So how do you explain the smooth scrolling transition of the road side bands on OutRun and the Space Harrier ground at slow speeds? If it was palete shifting, then you would not see a smooth effect and it would be much more coarse.
"My Atari ST came with this, Carrier Command and Bomb Jack - legendary games, and conversions that were a lot better (imo) than the 8bit versions."
The Atari ST was a much more powerful computer than any of the 8 bit machines... being at the time a next gen 16/32 bit computer... so I guess that's why eh?
"It's not about choice, I don't get to make the design decisions, I only get to use what Microsoft, Apple, Canonical, et al, decide to provide. "
No. It really is about choice. I make choices all the time, i life and not just computers ... and I don't rely on people telling me what I want.
" At some some point in the evolution of their products all those vendors have to make a change & we consumers are obliged to accomodate those changes (by accepting or moving on)"
No. I am not obliged to accommodate anything I don't like... See me point about choice above.
"I developed my use of keyboard shortcuts"
So do I, in Windows 7 it works just fine.
"I'm disappointed that posters resort to personal insults while describing their point of view against others. "
So, I would suggest you tone down the condescending tone of your post to stop inviting them.
" I don't think that's necessary but a little profanity (in an adjective form) or terseness should be excused as we don't all have the time to post in verbose form and, really, is commenting that serious an endeavour?"
Again, do you see the condescending slant there?
How can you argue that we should not have a choice? How do you feel justified with that?
Are you kidding me?
"First, prices WILL increase."
Well other sites managed to compete on price without massive tax dodges. I call bollocks on that one
"second, the Gov will spend that money on shit that I (and you) don't care about."
Uhu... Actually the Gov does spend money on shit that I DO care about, like the NHS, Emergency Services (All of them!) and people in the Public Sector need them for their pensions etc.
"Consumers need to shut up before you ruin it for everyone."
LIke allow for fair competition, so that British business can compete with the off shore companies? SO basically, your telling everyone to STFU and your justification is that you can get cheap goods from Amazon..
"The end result what our boss went out and bought us a bunch of laptops that allow us to do our jobs but the IT Admins are forever locking our laptops out of the corporate network."
...and when your laptops have a fault or stop working is it going to be your boss that fixes them or the evil IT Admins?
"If you've got 3 hours to produce some content, it's the quality of the end result that matters, not how you got there."
Bollocks! It's very important to understand how you got there, if I am testing someone for their ability in my subject area I am more interested on their thought processes rather than the end result.
" It turns out I got marked down for using ditto marks to speed the job up and avoid the cramp that had crippled me in the past. Bonkers. If I'd been on a computer, I'd have copy/pasted a bunch of lines and made the relevant changes."
That kind of suggests you missed the point of OOP. If you find you having to duplicate lots of code (copy/paste/ditto) then you've got your model wrong, especially in an academic exam!
BYOD to exams seems to be pandering to the minority here. I am sure there are exceptions to this, be it some sort of learning difficulty or other and they should be helped... but this should not be the norm otherwise in 20 years time we will start to lose the ability to write. We already have a generation of people that struggle more with basic maths without a calculator.