Should change his name
to Non-Sensenbrenner.
I doubt that one can get about, anywhere in the developed world today, without the Internet .
31 publicly visible posts • joined 11 May 2010
The drug running gangs are already offing people in the favelas who don't comply with their rules. They are also articulating the violence in the streets with local residents in fear of being murdered on a daily basis.
Also something you may be unaware of is that in the South of Brazil, known as the tri-border area (Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay) groups such as Hezbollah are ensconced carrying out their drug running, money laundering and trading in arms.
It's amazing how people screaming about human rights don't give a damn about the innocents slaughtered by the drug cartels and terrorist groups, as long as the law cannot see what nonsense they're putting out on the web.
Those emails may not have any top secret intel of national security, but just highly inflammable intel on the mess Hillary and the State dept., made of the Arab Spring and Benghazi.
They have to cover their backsides for her to become another lying president.
As we've seen, the US today is more into gender equality than technology, so it's to be expected.
Out of respect for their thinking we should stop maligning the bull's excrement by comparing it to US IT and give the other gender an opportunity and call it cowshit.
most important in the fight against malaria.
Thanks to Rachel Carson's pseudo scientific "Silent Spring" DDT was banned from the fight against the mosquito.
Millions have died, and what people don't realise is the suffering that tormented those souls during their battle to live.
Seems that DDT is not as bad as was made out.
The mosquito has to be battled because it doesn't just bite a sleeping person.
Seems for those Africans to avail themselves of Billy goat Gates' nets they would have to go around their chores, especially at night, draped in them.
The mosquitoes are not programmed to specific hours but maybe they are less attracted to designer BSD nets?
but Arabic speaking Jews as well.
After 9/11 they refused the services of those Jews, originally from Arab count0ries, so as not to offend the Muslims working with the FBI; but some of those Muslims objected, anyway, to interrogating other Muslims and refused to record the "interviews".
tested by the US Department of Justice found that "the device could grab all of the photos and video off of an iPhone within one-and-a-half minutes. The device works with 3000 different phone models and can even defeat password protections."
and according to the writer, one doesn't have to be arrested, or even suspected of a crime. During a routine traffic stop, in evident violation of Fourth Amendment protections the police can "glean" a lot from an iPhone.
That's got Americans worried cause we know what the police can get up to there.
And in dear old Blighty, one's camera/iPhone can even get damaged if one takes pictures of Mr Plod parked illegally. (El Reg had some of this really democratic behaviour noted some time back).
NYT, and uncle tom cobly.
The shooting up of an Israeli school bus with a Kornet anti-tank rocket and and subsequent rain of some 50 rockets and mortars on Southern Israel was practically not mentioned in the media condemnation of Israel's counter attack.
Read Melanie Phillips, CiFWatch and others for a concise appraisal of media's biased reporting on the conflict.
As for the illegality of the "occupation" it would be interesting to know if the international agreements from the League of Nations, San Remo Conference, the Sevres commision, even UNSC Resolution 242 have been revoked.
If not, then under what clauses has Israel's presence been deemed to be illegal?
Because ignorance of the terms of official international agreements, by Obama and Ban Ki-moon permit one to renege on them?
using vandal proof technology was too expensive."
So one doesn't buy an expensive safe for one's valuables cause the crime is the burglar's fault?
Why is protecting oneself against loss not an ethical demand?
It's about time that many sites did something about their security if they want to continue enticing the innocent third parties to party!
Why Paris, cos she knows what's safe!
copper with a degree of discretion and a firm but polite tone?
Gone down the drain with that good old fashioned British culture which has been replaced by that PC multiculty diversity stuff where nobody is responsible anymore for their behaviour.