20 to 80 more inches is "settled science"?
An economist who made a prediction of just about anything that economists predict, would be ridiculed if he made a prediction with a 1:4 range of possibilities. Not only that, this report assumes, as they all do, that nothing whatsoever is done in mitigation, that is new flood defences etc. Some "modelling" exercises with "inundation maps" showing which areas "will be flooded by 20xx" even assume that current defences are not in place. That's deception, and Strauss is approaching that in his report. He uses a range of 1-8 inches by 2030 - a 1:8 range, and 4-19 by 2050, a 1:5 range, and mentions mitigation exactly how many times? Zero that''s how many. I'm rapidly tiring of this kind of garbage.
BTW Mr. Page - thanks for a balanced and questioning article - not what I expected from the headline, though what I'd expect from any journalist who asks questions and doesn't just summarise and implicitly endorse. Some are called "investigative journalists". IMHO ALL journalists should be investigative 100% of the time. To date we're mostly served by parrots who simply repeat what they hear and question nothing. Full marks to you.