Re: Brexit
We can indeed have our kecks and eat them to!
16 publicly visible posts • joined 10 May 2010
Have you tried davmail as a Thunderbird <-> Exchange gateway? I use it at work to connect thunderbird to EWS and it works surprisingly well. I did have a few issues with mailboxes corrupting and taking an age to recover, but changing Thunderbird to use maildir fixed that.
"Is that allowed at all? Seems to me that it would be a cinch for MS/Sony/etc. to put a clause on the software license that it's not to be transferred."
I don't know about the US, but in Europe software can be resold, google "oracle software license resale" for info on a previous failed attempt by Oracle to stop this.
While there may be contract issues regarding sourcing/redistributing the Beta software, the resale of the licenses is not illegal in the EU. Remember the Oracle stories:
Surely the web sites could find a web host in the EU and as long as they're only reselling licenses and not providing the software should be fine?
There's a Linux penguin, a fanboi, and a Windows user in a plane, and the pilot says, we're carrying too much weight, one of you has got to go, and the fanboi says, well, I can't jump because...
... I send other UNIX boxes to /dev/null **push**
** That's an old Mac OS X PowerBook ad slogan in case you were underground in the early noughties!