Amazon, Shmamazon
There's an Amazon Monopoly on electronic components and related stuff? Check out our curated list of suppliers on Reddit:
(Abbreviated list:)
EMEA Suppliers
Bitsbox UK
CPC Farnell UK
Electron Electronics UK
Element14 UK AKA Farnell.
HobbyTronics UK
Mallinson Electrical UK
Maplin UK
Mega Electronics UK
Rapid Electronics UK
RS Components UK
Spiratronics UK
Squirrel Labs UK
Arduino, components and robotics:
Cool Components Some say "The UK's Sparkfun".
Kitronik BBC micro:bit partner. Kits, Arduino, Sparkfun parts and components.
Oomlout Arduino, Adafruit, Sparkfun and components.
Pimoroni Stocks Adafruit parts.
Proto-PIC Stocks Adafruit and Sparkfun parts.
SK Pang Stocks Sparkfun parts.
ExpTech Boards and modules, robotics etc.
Tinkersoup Arduino, modules etc.
Waterott Electronic Boards, kits, robotics, components.
There's also a supplier in Thailand called Tayda that has stupidly-cheap stuff and 2 week delivery - they are used by many UK and global hobbyists.
Yes, Maplin is on our list - with a comment that they aint what they used to be in terms of stock and pricing. I could go on, but suffice to say I have a 4 digit Maplin customer number as one of their early accounts and the current company is not a patch on the 'original'. For others that hark back to the 1970s-80 hobby electronics scene and the Maplin catalogue, coloured vouchers you could collect towards future orders and the decent projects, check out some nostalgia here: