Nice solutions, I'm sure it won't take long to trickle down.....
Would love to see the winners sh!t eating grin.
251 publicly visible posts • joined 7 May 2010
“Most of us can accept that our privacy may occasionally be compromised in the interests of keeping us safe".
Not me thanks I'm sure I will be fine and I doubt my browsing history, where I shop, what I buy, where I withdraw cash or my views on government policy has anything at all to do with the chance of me getting blown up by a bad person.
The missing or extra curly bracket that takes an hour to find often gets a few choice words from me when I find it. Grrr bring on the swearing I say, especially when is been staring you in the face like a massive FU, you tw@t+!ng C@€£ ₩@Mb! €.
Ahhh that's better, it's working now :)
The anniversary update has also broken. ..
Screenconnect, perpetual 10 tech legacy license
Sage 50, managed to fix this on 3x pc's but one still refuses to work.
Acrobat Pro 9, downgraded to 8 and it works on several pc's
Unfortunately I didn't have the authority to prevent the free upgrade/ downgrade to Win 10. I just have to mop up the mess.
It's the fact that server admin guys are realising that they can have twice as many hypervisors if they shop around. I have one that has been working for 5 + years and it cost £1K. If it dies who cares ? The VM will fail over to another one and I will either fix or replace the broken unit.
I'm not going to pay DELL or HP £££££ when I can pick up a cheap box that lasts for years and doesn't have proprietary components that coat the earth and are a nightmare to configure.
Disclaimer, storage is slightly different... don't skimp on that !
People often ask me why images in email are not automatically displayed on our system. It's because you can create a tiny unique pic for each email that you send, monitor the Web server logs and match up the email address and public IP of the reader and if \ when they read it etc.
A lot of mass mailing software uses the tactic, that's why it is blocked even if I'd somehow manages to get past the spam filter.
If this guy was clever enough to use an out of country proxy and decent browser settings I an very surprised that he fell for this \facepalm.
Every car I have driven made in the last 10 years cuts power to the sockets if the car is locked or if the ignition key is removed. Quite sensible I think, I would rather have a flat phone battery than a flat car battery etc.
Besides leaving expensive electronic equipment on charge in the sun, especially a car anywhere remotely warm is asking for trouble. Do you know how hot it gets in there before the phone blows up !
Also the Samsung issue has been reported by the BBC quite a lot over here. The only tech news with more air time is the lack of 35mm (seriously they said that on air) headphone socket :/
Same gripe here. They spent 10 minutes trying to relight my boiler and wearing out the igniter. When they finally let me do it... one push twist hold and click ta da done cue some sheepish faces hahahahahaha.
Don't even get me started on the cooker inspection ! That apparently involves trying to pull it off the wall and ruining the surround to check that it had a chain on the back :/
I wish they would send a kitten to the ISS, it could live up there and keep the humans company.
As a bonus training it to use the kitty litter would be interesting and you can guarantee some awesome space lol cat vids :)
Please don't chop it up when it gets back though !
I really like my car and it has a butt ugly face that would look better if I rammed it into a brick wall. .. thing Is it has collision avoidance, it beeps lìke mad and slams on the brakes when I try to 'hurt' it. The only thing it's missing is a sad face on the dashboard, that tail pipe still doesn't look sexy though... airbags maybe ?
Addendum, do not kiss your car... birds poo on it !
The pc running windows 7 is normally only used for 'pro' machines and is over £5k extra for the basic version, please tell me it's for printing high quality jobs with colour matching and that someone had training on calibration with the photospectrometer ?
Silently discarding jobs usually happens when usage tracking is turned on, BW has no restrictions and colour requires a pin that has to be entered into the print driver. If you don't put the correct code in the job will vanish but you can see it in the printer log. Yeah it's a bit crap. Another reason can be that the copier will only accept print jobs from the print server, configured by ip or host name. It's to help enforce the authentication on the print server and prevent people bypassing it.
The worst thing about Ricoh is the new tablet interface with no physical buttons and a 'new and improved experience' according to BLI. Yeah we turn that crap off and thank god you can set up the old interface that Ricoh have been using for a decade.
/Rant off. I'm back in work Monday/ Ricoh tech lol
While you are at it sort out the issues when printing pdf's from within edge.
I'm getting really pissed off at customers complaining about long \ more than 5 minutes to print pdf's. It works fine from foxit and acrobat reader and for some reason its extra clicks to set the default app to anything other than edge. Most users can't figure out how to do it, now it's part of our call out procedure to check that they are NOT using edge ffs, like I haven't got enough to do.
I'm still using a very old x2 AMD as my main work PC, it's been upgraded to 4GB ram, SSD, and an AMD 250 graphics card to run 2x 30 inch monitors. Works fine for me as I actually work and don't FB, LinkedIn etc all day.
Server side its several 8350 cpu's with 32 GB each ram runing VM's on a cost effective SAN. At half the price of intel kit they get upgraded more often and I have more redundancy.
Unfortunately when we need new desktops in a hurry it always ends up being intel based. AMD are either out of stock or the lead time is too long. Sort that out and they woud probably sell more machines :/
'It was why Android hit the ground running – developers knew the interfaces, they knew the libraries, they could build apps for it straight away.'
A bit like driving a car then. It's an API they utilised, right or wrong. It seems like oracle are trying to make them put the brake pedal on the steering wheel.
Ad Block overlay on the top of each Facebook post with a button to say 'this is sponsored or advertising'. The first few hundred click it, report back to ad block then overlay on top a nice white rectangle 'Ad Blocked'.
I don't use FB and my coding skills are not amazjng it but it may work if some clever people get on it :)
"Security is a relatively new concern for the automotive industry,”
Maybe you should have used "Computer Security" ?
I'm quite sure physically entering a vehicle and driving it away has been more difficult year on year since the 90's.... It's going backwards due to the addition of unnecessary gimmicks not because they are using crap locks.
The Pokestops (seriously) were all created / discovered by Ingress players that had to be at the site and take a picture. This process stopped around a year ago so no new pokestops or portals unless you have a deal with Niantic.
Altitude does not matter as all portals are assumed to be at ground level, as is the player. You can spin pokestops and capture portals etc in a helicopter at 1000 ft if you really want to, I have seen it done.
You also get an account ban if they even suspect you are faking the gps location. They are very good at catching people doing this.
I seen a poster on the shop door of a newsagents today it read 'Any crime committed against the owners of this company will be treated as a hate crime. 'Plus some more bollocks about protecting the community etc. Boils down to some person pinching a Mars bar can now be arrested for hate crime. Where do I buy my ticket off this planet ?
I 'discovered' a few of those portals / pokestops.
Ingress and Pokemon Go are getting people off their arse and doing stuff, got to be a good thing. Ingress players are usually in their mid twenties to thirties and educated (it's a lot more complicated than Pokemon and requires advance planning and teamwork). Also most ingress players have groups that know where they are and look out for eachother, have regular social events / piss ups etc. I have never met such a diverse selection of people, some of who I now call friends.