In reply to various points...
Chizo - that's fair enough about the games that AC actually owns, I suppose. I don't have a few of the ones I listed myself; there are only so many hours videogaming I can do in a week. And personally, I found Gears of War to be a tedious, repetitive load of rubbish. Most people seem to like it though, just as they like the MGS series (which I just don't get along with at all).
I'd also rather own my HD movies on disc than use an online rental servies, which is why I have a super-cheap HD-DVD player at home, and will eventually pick up a Blu-ray player (probably PS3) in a year or so. Not because I'm some rabid fanboy upset that 'my' format lost, just because it's expensive and the firesales mean I've got the best part of a year's worth of unwatched films to catch up on as it is. My point was merely that, as online rental goes, the 360's is pretty good; the only ways you could really improve it would be by making the big drive cheaper (Sony got it right by letting you replace the drive with a standard one) and somehow persuade Sony Pictures to join the system, but that is hardly likely to happen.
"come come" AC - have you actually played Halo 3 and Haze? The former is far, far better, more's the pity; Free Radical's Timesplitters series was just fine, and I'm sure we can all agree on the excellence of GoldenEye. But Haze was a disaster. Elsewhere, as someone who has put a fair amount of time into both the Forza and GT series, I'd say that Forza 2 was comfortably the best game across both of them. Given that GT4 was better than Forza I don't doubt that the full GT5 will give it a good run if it fulfills expectations, but Prologue was just missing too much.
Time Crisis 4 is excellent. For a good hour or so, then you realise how little game you got for your £60.
UT3 comes out today, not in a few months.
Replacing part of the name of a product with a swearword is the lowest form if wit.