* Posts by AllWalk

4 publicly visible posts • joined 30 Apr 2010

LinkedIn sets float price


So... Facebook has 5x as many users...

Not as defined revenue models, higher server costs, less valuable data (/not validated until recently... even then in a weak form)...

But is supposedly worth 20 times more than LinkedIn.

Bubble much?

The BBC struggles with concept of 'tech bubble'


Well said

Fantastic comment on Facebook's valuation.

I heard (I am aware I may end up being wrong) that there is chat about Facebook getting a 50x PE multiple on their current valuation....

That is akin to saying that if any mug were to take the reins today they could run the company at its current profitability for 50 years... that is a very simplistic way of putting it, as PE also takes into account the assumption of growth and the aforementioned definition would better be suited to a mature company... but 50!!!! Seriously?!?

How long did it take the fall of MySpace to happen... 5 - 6 years? I do take the point that facebook is bigger but that also means they can't rely on explosive growth and instead have to focus on monetizing exiting users which is certainly possible, but, come on! Microsoft only has a 20x PE!

Investors don't avoid bubbles, they create them.

EA imposes used games tax


Surely there is a legal issue here...

If you buy a game and then your console dies (XBox Red Ring of Death styley) are you telling me that I will have to pay $10 to play MY game again!?!?!

This is shockingly bad. Way to try and kill the 2nd hand games market for those who already struggle to pay full price.

And isn't MY game, MY game - as in, don't I own it and therefore own the rights to play it and thus, should I not be afforded the right to be able to sell that?

What a complete atrocity... trust the former M$oft chopper to come up with yet another way to screw gamers.

Dotcom socialite says: Vote Tory


Time to hug a hopeful... watch the non-trepreneurs flock.

It seems like Julie has joined the throng of self titled guru investment start-up types (such as doug *laughed at in cambridge* richards) who are betting that the Tories are going to win and if they claimed to have supported them then maybe, just maybe, the Tories will back their ill conceived / poorly performing investment vehicles.

Whilst watching the debate it did seem that Cameron & Co. have got the best plans for business, but it forced me to question why it took him so long to win my vote... it was as if he'd read the manifesto over the weekend and thought "Hold up, some of this is is good, someone should be telling people about this!"

At least the message is being put out now... alls well, that ends, well, not Labour.