"How about they stop acting like the evil empire?"
Well, the thing is, Andy. Can I call you Andy? All right, Andrew then. Have it your way. The thing is, Andrew, that we ARE an evil empire. So, just going the "stop acting like one" route really would be undermining our mission statement, you know?
Yes, sure, we kill people everyday. Thousands a week, probably (we don't bother counting the brown ones). And sure, many of them are children or women or even British troops from time to time. But you don't make an evil empire without breaking some evil eggs; you know what I'm saying here, Andy? Sure you do. You're all right, kid. I liked you the moment you walked in the door.
So, what I'm going to offer you is the same deal I offered Tony (Heeey, Tony!) and Gordon: You take this gun and shoot a few ragheads for me and the boys back home and I absolutely guarantee you that I'll make sure that nothing happens to your oil supply when China comes asking for their cut. It would be a shame if anything did happen, mind you. Because, you know - and I know you'll not mind me telling you this because, in all honesty, we're both in the same boat - without that oil flowing, your economy is down the shitter. And I ain't talking in no airy-fairy "long term" here, no. I'm talking overnight. I'm talking riots in the street before the month is out. I'm talking food shortages and blackouts. Pretty serious stuff - you know?
Now, you don't want to see that happen, do you Andy? No, of course not. You're a nice guy, sure. I can see this bothers you. I think it even bothered Tony and Gordon. But, you know, you probably have a family to support. The economy goes down and what'll they do? Scavange for coal on the beach? Beg? Worse?
Not a nice thought, Andy, is it?
So these Arab guys have the oil and some of them play ball and some of them don't. Guy's like us, Andy, we gotta take a stand with them that don't, y'know. 'Cause, really, it comes down to them or us. And then it's the survival of the fittest. They got oil. We got tanks. A few heads get cracked, but, hey, they ain't OUR heads, right? Am I right? Sure.
You an' me, Andy, we're on the same side 'cause, like I said, we're in the same boat. An' there's no sense in rocking that boat, now is there? We're in it together.