"Just trust us". Thanks but no thanks. Also, fuck you M$.
34 publicly visible posts • joined 28 Apr 2010
This is beyond insane! How can this be even legal??? M$ just committed corporate suicide with this over the top desperate move by going directly against the specific will of their own customers NOT to upgrade! This is pure dictatorship on a level never seen before for a corporation!
Had to hide KB3035583, AGAIN, for the 9TH TIME, in the last 10 months! If this is not abuse, I don't know what it is! M$ comes into MY computer and decide for me what I should download, repedatly disregarding MY choice not to download an update? And M$ wonder why everybody hates them so much?
This is the full list of KB to avoid. Don't believe me? Just Google anyone of them, realize M$ bullshit and immediately uninstall. My Windows 7 auto update has been at OFF for several months now. I'm doing it manually once a month, screening any of the many undesirables and hide them.
No wonder M$ wants to fully automate the update process by preventing any user intervention on Windows 10, the rented for ever, NSA approved, Orwellian edition. There is no such thing as "free" in life. When it's "free", YOU and your personal information becomes the product. Are you for sale? Me neither. That's why I want to ***PAY*** for the product that I ***OWN***.
Confirmed 2015 bad:
NEW 2016 bad:
LMAO... At this rate of "adoption", or lack thereof, NSA approved Windows 10 will reach the critical mass market share of 50% in another 30 months...
That's exactly another ***2.5 YEARS*** from now!!! Add to this another 7 months since it was launched in August 2015 and when Windows 10 finally reach 50% market share more than 3 long years after its launch, or about when windows 11 will be around the corner...roughly around the first quarter 2019!!!
All this is *ASSUMING* Windows 10 will keep this puny 1% a month growth, which I seriously doubt. A vast quantity of this currently so called 20% market share numbers are coming from licenses per-bundled with corporate PC and Laptop (HP, Lenovo, Dell), the vast majority of which were DOWNGRADED to Windows 8 or even Windows 7! Roughly 95% of the time in fact, which is consistent with the deployment rate I personally see in SMBs and medium size business, and I'm confident those numbers also hold true for large size corporation too. Windows 10 is simply too problematic on too many level. Metaphorically speaking, the endless list of headaches outnumber the few advantages by a ratio of a 1000 to1.
Even if you add the fact M$ gave Windows 10 ***FOR FREAKING FREE*** for over 7 months now, the growth line is *STILL* flattening out! Why? Becasue of all those artificial licenses making up this 20% figure, reality is now catching up to M$. Even after M$ forced the win10 upgrade down the throats of millions of users with the KB3035583 update gate fiasco! Polish a turd all you want, it is STILL a turd!
BOTTOM LINE: When you give your stuff for free AND relentlessly shove it down people throats and you STILL have a flatting growth curve, even 7 months after launch, you know you product is doomed and you did it 100% WRONG.
PS: This is the list of KB update I have to permanently ban to avoid M$ pushing is UNWANTED bullshit on my system! And even worse, despite I have hide KB3035583, it came back, by itself, 7 TIMES!!!:
What those technologically illiterates buffoons are proposing is the equivalent of trying to stop every single drop of rain falling over a country from reaching the ground, with your bare hands... To say "mission impossible" would be the understatement of the century.
One does not block what account for 75%+ of the entire Internet for fuck's sake! There ALWAYS will be a few trillion sites you didn't block or an easy way around that block! Unless you implement your own version of the Internet; a giant, state sponsored intranet where EVERYTHING is tightly regulated. Just like Big Brother, but even worser. It's either or: Free Internet or dictatorial intranet.
What you need to do is to EDUCATE so parents do their fucking job at policing their own children by installing nany software to block the content THEY judge inappropriate for THEIR children.
All this until all sexual content are EXCLUSIVELY confined to a single domain, like ".sex". Then you might be able to do something about it. Ands I use the word "might"' very loosely here.
The NSA spying on *everyone* all the time was not enough. Big Bother is angry and on a mission to crush everything on its path even remotely associated with freedom of speech.
This is only the beginning. Part 1 of many more to come. If we let this one slide, this IS the beginning of the end. The genie will be out of the bottle and impossible to put back in, unless something catastrophic happens, such as a civil war.
History has the propensity to repeat itself. When the elites abuse their power, like when they turn a democracy into the oligarchy the USA has become, they inevitably loose their heads. Ask Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette...
The 1% should be very careful, there are threading on VERY thin ice. Tons and tons of revolving doors to infiltrate politic, legal bribe called PAC, out of control agencies like NSA working AGAINST its own citizen interests, gigantic bailout for banks and corporations paid by the electorate after said banks and corporations tried to f*ck us all over, militarization of police force and implementation of police state like rules and policies, and now the FCC disgracefully 100% packed with former telecoms lobbyists trying to kill net neutrality... Welcome to modern 'Murica. The land of the "free and justice", whatever what that means now in 2014.
Many lines have been crossed by the 1% in the last few decades. Far too many for their own good. Despite they have the money, the technology, the military and the police on their side, they simply can't kill all 315 million Americans, they can't silence us all. Those motherf*ckers must be reminded who's the real boss here and the answer is NOT THEM.
We need to get money out politic and we need to get our institutions like the NSA and FCC back. Bribes and revolving doors in politic must be 100% illegal. Unelected bodies like the FCC must controlled to represent the electorates with balanced representation, not just biased former telecoms lobbyists. The 1% will NEVER give any of this back willfully, we will have to pry it out from their cold dead hands. The clash is inevitable. The clash is coming. Are you ready?
The NSA spying on *everyone* all the time was not enough. Big Bother is angry and on a mission to crush everything on its path even remotely associated with freedom of speech.
This is only the beginning. Part 1 of many more to come. If we let this one slide, this IS the beginning of the end. The genie will be out of the bottle and impossible to put back in, unless something catastrophic happens, such as a civil war.
History has the propensity to repeat itself. When the elites abuse their power, like when they turn a democracy into the oligarchy the USA has become, they inevitably loose their heads. Ask Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette...
The 1% should be very careful, there are threading on VERY thin ice. Tons and tons of revolving doors to infiltrate politic, legal bribe called PAC, out of control agencies like NSA working AGAINST its own citizen interests, gigantic bailout for banks and corporations paid by the electorate after said banks and corporations tried to f*ck us all over, militarization of police force and implementation of police state like rules and policies, and now the FCC disgracefully 100% packed with former telecoms lobbyists trying to kill net neutrality... Welcome to modern 'Murica. The land of the "free and justice", whatever what that means now in 2014.
Many lines have been crossed by the 1% in the last few decades. Far too many for their own good. Despite they have the money, the technology, the military and the police on their side, they simply can't kill all 315 million Americans, they can't silence us all. Those motherf*ckers must be reminded who's the real boss here and the answer is NOT THEM.
We need to get money out politic and we need to get our institutions like the NSA and FCC back. Bribes and revolving doors in politic must be 100% illegal. Unelected bodies like the FCC must controlled to represent the electorates with balanced representation, not just biased former telecoms lobbyists. The 1% will NEVER give any of this back willfully, we will have to pry it out from their cold dead hands. The clash is inevitable. The clash is coming. Are you ready?
Still think Snowden is a traitor? Of the people, by the people for the people? NSA boss is the people, but the people can't sue NSA for abusing its power because it is above and beyond the constitution or any kind of laws...because of "national security". Isn't that nice?
National security = The only reason we need at NSA to justify we can do anything and everything to control every aspects of everyone life in the US, or anywhere else on this planet. We own this fucking planet, for your own good....
You know what NSA? Fuck this false sense of security for the price of slowly but surely eroding all my liberties and invade my privacy with insane stuff like the Patriot act. Selling the pitch that by doing this, "you ensure safety" is the biggest scam since religions were invented. Like you can stop every drop of rain from reaching the ground...with your bare hands. Man, this is not the 1950s anymore. We are not that gullible.
F*ck god, f*ck all religions and f*ck irrational faith.
Those are poison of the mind, critical thinking killer, enemy of reason and cancer of empirical knowledge. No proof, no credibility, no discussion, end of story. This is the 21st century for f*ck sake, time to take the trash out once and for all.
And all of you brain damaged Neanderthals with your mythical belief from the Neolithic, just go back to your dark ages cave to pray your imaginary friend. Drown to death in your delusional conjectures, pure speculations and unsubstantiated opinions that defy logic and reality itself.
"Brit spooks operated within the law, say politicos"
So the conclusion is the law is wrong, period. The real questions is who voted those laws and why.
What they did might be within the law, but it's absolutely impossible to justify morally. This is a completely artificially induced paranoia on the cover of doing "good" at the the expense of the citizen freedom and privacy. All this at the service of the military-industrial complex who sell all the cameras and surveillance equipment to the government (billions if not trillions in computer infrastructure, software etc..). This is exactly what the German Stasi and Russian KGB used to do on an industrial scale: Everyone is a suspect, for the "good" of the nation. This is NOT democracy, this is dictatorship.
If the body of government democratically elected is incapable of ***actually*** defending its citizen most fundamental interests and rights, if that government is nothing more than a puppet at the service of conglomerates, corporations, special interest groups and lobbyist, then this government has become the enemy and must be brought down by any means necessary.
Our democratic institutions are so rotten to the core, there's so much ego, power and money involved, expecting it to ***rapidly*** and ***effectively*** reform itself would be delusional. A this point and time in history, the only way to eradicate this generalized cancer is to terminate the institution itself and start all over again with new laws and a new constitution that would prevent any outside influences and incursions in the democratic system so this system become 100% independent and at the service of the citizen first.
By the people, for the people.
It's all about more control for the manufacturer / content provider and less for you, the customer. Simple as that.
Potential problem with Microsoft business model for the new Xbox:
1- Your console, games and accessories has an expiration date on them. Because it's always on, the day Microsoft eventually / inevitably discontinue server support is the day they decide ***FOR YOU*** it's time to upgrade.
2- You don't own anything anymore, you rent the right to use. So when MS pull the plug on the server connection, you'll be the proud owner of a useless >1200.00$ paper weight with no resell value whatsoever.
3- If ANYTHING of the following fails for 3 minutes and the problem persist for 1 hour, 1 day, 1 week or 1 month, no gaming for you until it's fixed: Xbox network card, router, modem, ISP connection, anything between your ISP and Microsoft server, Microsoft server themselves or even humans error on MS end.
4- 500GB hard drive on every model and game full install on hard drive for every game imply controlling and blocking second-hand game. Not only your game will have ZERO value when the console become unusable as per point 1, but the game you just bought an hour ago has zero resell value on DAY 1, reinforcing the renting philosophy of point 2
5- Point 4 also indicate that MS will completely discontinue physical media distribution (DVD/ Blu Ray) to force you to purchase and download all your content directly from the Microsoft store. That fit with their recent massive cloud / online push with Office 365, Windows 8 Metro store for PC, phone and tablet and now the new console. MS will control everything from top to bottom with no competition to drive the cost down. A digital gulag with Balmer as its master.
6- At least a gold subscription is mandatory for EVERYTHING, even to use something as insignificant as Youtube. That would obviously include access to the MS store to purchase your other stuff!!! You need to pay Microsoft in order to have the right to buy stuff. Isn't that great?
7- Pay to win. More and more games have payable "DLC", some borderline necessary to complete the game. You end-up paying many times the original price of the game. This is not a problem exclusive to Microsoft, but they didn't addressed it either, they encourage it. Especially now that everything will go through their MS store.
So basically, MS business model is the following: "We don't give a f*ck, we got you by the balls anyway, we control everything, shut-up and give us your money".
They want to create a closed ecosystem concentration camp where you have no power, where you pay for everything but own nothing, with a recurrent renting scheme where you are never done sending them money over and over again, for the rest of your life.
Even if only half of this is true, Sony is 12 billion percent guaranteed to get my business this round.
"There were rumours the PS4 would be like that too. They are merely rumours."
Sony officially denied those rumours. The PS4 *WON'T* require an always on connection.
The funny thing is, despite the UBER backlash since the "Orthgate", Microsoft never did any damage control to officially deny the always on requirement on the next Xbox. This is so negative to their business that they would have denied it if it wasn't true.
Bad batches are unavoidable, but all in all, my experience with current drives, compared to drive of 10 and 15 years ago, is similar. I for one, never lost a single drive in 20 years. This is why:
1- Every drives have its fan. I never ran a drive without a fan, period. Never saw a temperature over 35C-38C, even under heavy usage condition, even for 10K RPM raptor drives. In normal usage, the temps are never over 5C to 10C above ambient.
2- Power supply with very clean output. I've been exclusively using Seasonic power supplies for a long time now. They are king of the hill. Seriously, noting comes close. (just take a look at JonnyGURU review of the X-560 gold for example, you won't regret this great read) and used either Antec or Enermax before. Clean electric supply goes a long way preserving your electronics.
3- UPS to avoid wild electrical fluctuation. Again, help a lot not to hammer your electronic component with out of spec electric input or sudden power cut and then immediately goes back up way too high.
4- My drives in my server and SAN are mounted on rubber support to reduce vibration. In a corporate environment (as opposed as industrial environment) this is less critical than the first 3 point, but still help.
Just called WD presales support and this thing has not 1.333Tb per platter but 1TB, so it's a 4 platters unit, not 3. The numbers of platter if not even disclosed in the specifications on WD website. The only clue is the picture that shows 3 platters, but that's for the 2TB and 1TB models, not the 4TB. That's how the register empirically establish a fact? By pictures only? Wow...
PS: I have "irrefutable" pictures of UFO, the Yeti and the Lock Ness monster. You want to publish those as fact too?
I HATE when stupid marketing / PR are bending words to the extent of making them totally irrelevant and false.
Free product means 100% of the product is 100% free or it's not free. If ANY conditions is required in order access what ever is supposed to be free, or only part on the product is available, then it's not actually free. Any kind of constrain is a form direct or indirect payment. "Buy 3 hot-dog and get 1 free" is a false statement because there's a condition to get the 4th hot-dog, therefor it's no longer free. A fair statement would be "buy 4 hot-dog and get a 25% rebate on your invoice. Another acceptable form would be "Get 4 hot-dog for the price of 3". An actual free hot-dog is: I show up, pickup a hot-dog, eat it and no questions ask. That's free. And even then, I could argue that it took me some gas in the car to get to the restaurant offering the free hot-dog, and that could be enough to conclude that in the end, the hot-dog did cost me something.
Now, consider this statement by Crytek:
"Migration from packaged goods games into an entirely free-to-play experience,"
The word "entirely" in that context is supposed to mean "100% of the game". That's not true. Some part of the game (level, characters, accessories, special powers etc...) must be paid for.
The use of the word ''free'' here is an abomination. First I need an Internet connection, which I must pay in order to access the game. I didn't have this expense condition to meet with "packaged goods games". Since the game is heavily restricted, what I have access too is not the actual game but a castrated version of it.
The "pay as you upgrade" model is also much more expensive and insidious for the player compared to the old "packaged goods games". instead of a 40-50 or 60$ fix price, you end up spending 2-3 time that amount to unlock everything without never really realizing it.
What's free is the limited teaser sample that make you hit a wall after 10 minutes of the so called 'free-to play experience" when you must purchase something in other to progresses in the game. The same pattern is used by pusher that want you hook on some cheap drugs. I'll give you this sample for free, then I have you to pay me for life. That model in the computer game market will never work.
I tried Metro in a VM. After only 20 minutes, I swear, I was about to take my own life.
To say I was in complete shock don't quite cut it. This is the most counter intuitive, badly thought out and irritating piece of software junk I've ever seen. The level of frustration Metro induces is such, it had to be designed with that goal in mind. No one could be stupid enough to regurgitate this abomination with the sincere hope they are doing humanity a favor, right?
I'm 41, started with a Commodore Vic20 and practically owned every kind of computers you can think of since then. In all those years, the vast majority of new OS that came after the old one were a welcome evolution, even if there was some drawbacks. Metro is sending us back to the dark ages faster than you can say "it suck balls". BTW, this is the urban dictionary definition of sucking balls:
"An expression used when things are shitty to the extent that the situation is analogous to the displeasure a heterosexual male would feel if he were to suckle upon the testicles of another man."
It's disturbing to realize how amazingly disconnected from reality Microsoft folks have become. I would also add that anyone who say, in forum like this one, that Metro is a good thing on a desktop computer, is either gravely mentally disturbed, or more probably an obvious undercover Microsoft agent trying its best to do some impossible damage control. Either Microsoft wakeup in a hurry and give us back a decent desktop interface, or Windows 8 will go down in the history books as the most embarrassing and dysfunctional OS ever created.
This is a false debate and we all know it.
Evolution is, by many many order of magnitudes, the best paradigm to explain the whole tree of life we see on Earth, period. End of story. Everything match to the tee, Evolution by natural section corroborate with every field data we can throw at it. The whole body of science agree. What else do you need, god himself opening up the sky and shout ''I'M THE ONE WHO INVENTED EVOLUTION!!!"???
Part of the ''confusion'' in some creationist's minds comes from the inability to distinguish the fundamental differences between the 2 following statements:
""Humans and monkeys share a common ancestor some 30 million years in the past""
"You - and your mom - are descended from monkeys. Steve Jobs says so"
The point is, not only Humans and monkey share a common ancestor, all life you see around you does as well! Isn't it great to realize that all life is interconnected and that we, Humans, are part of it? Absolutely lovely indeed.
Only, please, remove iTune...
I would also add the following FREE apps:
7-zip. First thing I install on a PC. Will do zip, rar, 7z format and MANY other like CAB and MSI. Faster than winzip and winrar!
Total commander. Will do batch rename, super fast FTP, batch archive conversion, cut and join file and so many other thing, the list is endless... It's my swiss army knife.
MSSE. Best anti-virus, anti-spyware I ever used. And I've tried a lot of them. Practically no resource overhead. Catch everything. Zero false positive. Oh, and it IS -free- with my *legally* purchased Windows... and since it only run on Windows anyway, saying it's not free is illogic!
Spybot. Mainly for the "immunize" function which I do once a month to black list bad website form IE and Firefox. Since I use MSSE, Spybot find nothing save minor things like bad cookies! :)
Malwarebyte's Anti-malware: A complement to Spybot. Can also delete locked files. Not much a use since MSSE, but you never know...
Superantispyware: A complement to Spybot. Not much a use since MSSE, but you never know...
Spywareblaster: A great web browser immunize. Prevent you from accessing bad website. Just run the app once a month to update IE or Firefox black list. No need to run all the time. Complementary and similar to Spybot immunize function.
Utorrent. Best torrent client in my book. You might want to disable the bandwidth management function that cause problems on some configuration.
Bit Che. A fantastic torrent meta crawler. Can't live without.
TCP-Z. Wonderful to analyze your bandwidth in real time with a lot of statistics. Also patch Tcip.sys file (permanent) or even live in memory (until reboot) without modifying your original file! Changing half-open limit to 50 result in getting my file to download at peak speed a lot faster in all my peer apps!
PC tools firewall. Light years ahead of even costly retail solution. As good and simpler than Comodo.
Peerblock. The successor of Peerguardian. Much better and stable. Work with Vista and Win7. You like to preserve your anonymity online and make sure you don't access suspicious/harmful website? Get this, fast.... This is not a firewall, it's an IP filter! Work great with PC tool firewall.
Netdrive. Want to have the ability make FULL folder operation on FTP folder? Just map a windows drive letter to an FTP address with this app and you are all set!
DAEMON Tools Lite. Do I need to present this? Best CD/DVD emulation ever.
Firefox with: Tab mix plus, DownthemAll!, DownloadHelper, Adblock plus, Default Zoom level and your choice of dictionary to correct your spelling in post such as this one!. (I use United-State dictionary 4.0)