* Posts by Lamont Cranston

1555 publicly visible posts • joined 28 Apr 2010

Is Grant Shapps being naughty on Wikipedia – or did a Lib Dem stitch him up?

Lamont Cranston
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Re: "It can't have been me, I was out of the country"

Yes, I rather enjoyed that, too. Listening to him squirm is delightful.

Nick Clegg's suggestion that "Michael Green did it" was one of the rare instances of a politician actually making a good joke, too.

Android gaming platform Ouya is down to its last life

Lamont Cranston

Re: The Key

Touch screen phones make terrible games controllers.

Apple Watch HATES tattoos: Inky pink sinks rinky-dink sensor

Lamont Cranston

Re: "just have ones service number tattooed on each limb"

And everyone should wear identical grey pyjamas, because fashion is a waste of effort, and any attempts at individuality must be quashed. Pass the Soma.

Google: We're not mad, our mobes-in-sky Project Loon is FINE

Lamont Cranston

I'd mostly agree with this,

except that "we in the west" have been actively engaged in armed conflicts for the last decade or so. Granted, not with each other, but still...

Fukushima nuke plant owner told to upgrade from Windows XP

Lamont Cranston

Re: Downvoters...

I upvoted your earlier comment, Jimmy, but now you're just whining about people on an internet forum not agreeing with you, so you're second comment deserves downvoting.

New dirt-cheap Chromebooks: Team Google keeps jackboot on throat of PC titans

Lamont Cranston

No one expects Apple to push out a jailbroken iPhone,

but plenty of Android phones are very amenable to having their OS replaced, so it's not a huge jump to expect similar behaviour from Chromebooks.

The Register attracts the sort of person who likes to fiddle with their IT kit, so the authors recognising this and addressing it in the articles isn't really a big ask.

Watchdog slaps American Apparel's youthful naked arse

Lamont Cranston

Re: "she is legit on the meat market"

Congratulations. That doesn't make you sound like a creepy old man, at all. No, sir, not a bit.

Ransomware holds schools hostage: 'Now give us Bitcoin worth $129k, er, $124k, wait ...'

Lamont Cranston
Thumb Up

Re: Good for them

Thumbs up to this.

BT gently returns to mobe biz with cheap SIM-only swoop

Lamont Cranston


A nice stick for me to beat Orange EE with, come renewal time.

Storm in a K-Cup: My SHAME over the eco-monster I created, says coffee pod inventor

Lamont Cranston

Re: I like my coffee like I like my women:

coarsely ground and stored in the freezer?

Hackable media box based on the Raspberry Pi compute module: Five Ninjas Slice

Lamont Cranston

I honestly don't see the point of this,

as it's just paying a hefty premium for a snazzy case and a remote, but if it raises the profile of the Pi as a media player, I'm all for it - get enough of these into peoples' houses, maybe the on-demand suppliers will start to take note (I'd love to be able to have iPlayer, Netflix, and what-have-you as workable add-ons for Kodi xbmc).

BBC gives naked computers to kids (hmm, code for something?)

Lamont Cranston

Re: maths is maths

Maybe a joke was a joke?

Faux ‪pro-IS Facebook‬ shot down within hours of launch

Lamont Cranston


I would have liked to find out what their stance was on pictures women breastfeeding.

Hated smart meters likely to be 'a costly failure' – MPs

Lamont Cranston

Re: "not owned by the retailers"

I changed supplier shortly after smart meters were fitted at my property. I had to twist the arm of my old suppliers to get them to extract readings from the smart meters, and my new supplier has never read them (they use a different model of smart meters). It's a fantastic system - I still have to read my meters every month, but now it's slightly more difficult than it was previously!

Overwhelming consumer demand, my arse.

Shove off, ugly folk, says site for people who love themselves

Lamont Cranston

Re: Tawnie Lynn (pictured)

You weren't supposed to look at her face!

W*nkers of the world unite to save the planet one jerk-off at a time

Lamont Cranston

Re: wankuh?

"Wankah", would be more appropriate. Watch something like Deep Rising, and see how Jason Flemyng is shouting it.

Live a day in the life of Jennifer Lawrence: Tell Reddit to delete your stolen nude selfies

Lamont Cranston

Re: To the editors...

I'm really not a fan of the big pictures that have started appearing above the headlines on The Register, but if all of them could be pictures of Jennifer Lawrence, I think I'd be quite happy.

Euro broadcast industry still in a fug over that 4K-ing UHD telly

Lamont Cranston

If "Ultra HD" doesn't go the same way as 3D, I'll eat my hat.

HD has hardly been a massive hit, has it? DVD sales are probably in decline, thanks to streaming, but I'll bet they're more robust than Blu-Ray sales.

FOCUS! 7680 x 4320 notebook and fondleslab screens are coming

Lamont Cranston

Re: 8K screens are actually nice for low res content too

But not of 576.

Drinking games: Tapper 1983, this Bud's for you...

Lamont Cranston


I can't see any rose bushes.

Hey kids! If you vote Facebook will give you EXTRA LIKES*

Lamont Cranston

Re: Our son is 18

And if all the first time voters think that way, your voting never will make any difference. Thank him from me, won't you, when the incumbent gets returned, and we face another 5 years of the current shower?

Brightstar deal means Post Office mobile network could be a thing

Lamont Cranston

Re: Stamp it out

And what's the deal with airline food, eh?

EE data network goes TITSUP* after mystery firewall problem

Lamont Cranston

Re: Three - customer service outstanding

The customer retentions (or whatever they're called) operator at Three called me a liar when I called to cancel my contract. Didn't stack up well against the people employed by Orange, who have never been anything less than polite, whether I've been leaving or joining their network.

That said, their high street outlets seem to be staffed with duplicitous sharks, unlike the local O2 store, where the lad was more than happy to let me leave without buying anything.

Swings and roundabouts, I suppose.

Saudi Arabia to flog man 1,000 times for insulting religion on Facebook

Lamont Cranston

Re: "feminazi" strikes such a tender nerve

"feminazi" doesn't so much "strike a tender nerve", more it serves as a handy marker that the speaker doesn't really have an opinion worth listening to.

Believing that men and women should occupy an equal position in society, does not make one a misandrist. Nor does the condemnation of sexual violence.

Lamont Cranston

Re: Luther. Basically the ISIS guy of back then.

Good thing Superman was always around to stop him, then.

FREE EBOOKS: Apple falls into line with EU refund laws

Lamont Cranston

Re: "a lot of people can finish an ebook in two weeks"

I thought that the point of this comment in the article was that it wasn't remarkable?

Reviewed: LittleBigPlanet 3, Lara Croft's latest raid and more

Lamont Cranston

It's probably a little too late in the franchise

to shift Ms. Croft into a more realistic figure.

Lamont Cranston

Re: Not a comics fan?

Totally Awsome-sauce!

Brave & The Bold does owe a lot to the West-era Batman, but watching Bats don a set of brass knuckless and then sock some goons in the jaw, does shift the tone away from the purely camp. Weird show.

How much for a wrist job? A tenner normally, but for this one, over $30k

Lamont Cranston

Re: With clear heels

I hope they've got goldfish in them.

Hack hijacks electric skateboards, dumps hipsters in the gutter

Lamont Cranston

Is anyone going to pass judgement on an adult

whose main mode of transport is a skateboard?

NY premiere of The Interview cancelled after hackers' terrorist threats

Lamont Cranston

Down with this sort of thing.

^ correct way to protest

Sonic BOOM: 10 blast-tastic soundbars

Lamont Cranston

Re: Uninformed comments

Since getting rid of the previous 5.1 setup, I realised that my TV sounds sufficient, as it is.

The Great Unwatched: BBC hails glorious digital future for Three

Lamont Cranston

Re: F1

Three hours of cars driving round in circles, serving as background noise for your dad to fall asleep to after Sunday dinner. Thrilling stuff.

Blu-ray region locks popped by hardware hacker

Lamont Cranston

Good for him.

Appropriate choice of film, too (even if it is rubbish).

Sick of the 'criminal' lies about pie? Lobby the government HERE

Lamont Cranston

"Exemptions will apply for shepherds, cottage and fish pies."

So, a pie must have a pastry top and a pastry base, except when it doesn't? Quality legislation, that'll make.

Holy sh*t! Amsterdam man in pop-up public toilet shock horror

Lamont Cranston

Re: Daft design

As stated above, they'll rise up at a predetermined hour, and sink below once the need has passed, rather than appearing and disappearing on demand. There's a simialr scheme operating in some British towns, except that, rather than rising from the floor, they're dropped off from the back of a truck, and collected up at the end of the night.

Yotaphone 2: The two-faced pocket-stroker with '100 hours' batt life

Lamont Cranston

I really like this idea.

Here's hoping they come up with a case that can protect against the usual bumps, but leave the rear screen readable.

#Gamergate folk load flamethrower, roast own feet over GTA V 'ban'

Lamont Cranston

Re: Sigh.

This is the last time I steal a joke from Charlie Brooker.

Lamont Cranston

Re: Sigh.

You forget to mention that playing PacMan doesn't make you run around darkened rooms, munching pills and listening to repetitive music.

Legendary Brit physicist Stephen Hawking gets full Intel comms refresh

Lamont Cranston

Re: He's remarkable in other ways.

I blame those NHS death panels, that leave disabled people on mountainsides, to be devoured by wolves.

Another lick of Lollipop: Google updates latest Android to 5.0.1

Lamont Cranston

Re: 2012 Nexus models to stay at KitKat perrmanently?

I've yet to see a notification for it on my 2012 Nexus 7. Given what I've read about it, I'm not that bothered, tbh (quite tempted to get it back onto Jelly Bean, or find something whizzy on xda-developers, although it's been a little more stable, of late, so might just save the hassle and leave it as is).

UK slaps 25 per cent 'Google Tax' on tech multinationals

Lamont Cranston

Re: Apple and Amazon... intangible?

Apple Turnover? Only taxed if you buy it warm, I believe.

Brit smut slingers shafted by UK censors' stiff new stance

Lamont Cranston

Re: Just to throw in a subject for debate...

Yes, I rather suspect that it does, and we should probably be improving our sex education in schools, to help young people deal with these issues. What I don't agree with, is this crazy attempt to outlaw anything that isn't "vanilla" sex, on film.

Sinclair is back with the Spectrum Vega ... just as rubbish as the ZX

Lamont Cranston

Re: "held on by BluTac"

A loose internal connection meant that my +3 (I know, and I'm sorry) was fixed by jamming a Rubik's Snake between the Multiface and (I think) the video cable.

After I sold it to my more technically-minded friend, he popped the case off and soldered the connection back together. I still think that folding the Snake to exactly the right shape was the more satisfying solution.

Gangnam Style BREAKS YouTube

Lamont Cranston

"did nothing else whilst viewing"

You call jumping around like a hyperactive idiot "nothing"?

Trousers down for six of the best affordable Androids

Lamont Cranston

Re: 8GB internal memory?

Quite. My other half got the Desire 500, and it was pretty much out of storage from the moment it was switched on. A nice phone, otherwise.

I'll be back (and forward): Hollywood's time travel tribulations

Lamont Cranston

Police boxes had a telephone in them.

Doctor Who seems to use his quite a lot, in the new series.

Double Fail.

Mysterious BEAM outside London Googleplex ZAPPED

Lamont Cranston

A system that delivers electrical shocks to anyone filming with their phone held in portrait?

We need more of these things.

UK cops: Give us ONE journo's phone records. Vodafone: Take the WHOLE damn database!

Lamont Cranston

Vodaphone are incompetent, the police are corrupt.

Business as usual, then?

MI6 oversight report on Lee Rigby murder: US web giants offer 'safe haven for terrorism'

Lamont Cranston

Re: Ban Father Ted

Careful now.