Re: "You mean Amazon?" @h4rm0ny
the huge, huge majority of it IS available for purchase?
The bit I wanted to purchase wasn't. Do you want a list?
Not that I recall, see previous point.
Nice that you're so well catered for - anybody with different tastes can whistle, eh?
Maybe you bought a second-hand one?
No, bought it new, but the expiry times on those codes is surprisingly short. Happened on more than one occassion, too. Taking it back's no good - the staff at Asda won't be able to offer anything but a refund - and getting on to the distributor might eventually get me a code, but who has time for that? (I tried, the first time, with a 20th Century Fox DVD and was rewarded, after much to-ing and fro-ing, with a low-res copy of my film - totally worth it!). Making my own digital copy (playable in every device that I own) is by far the simpler option. UltraViolet is a pretty good idea (you buy the DVD, you get the digital copy - exactly what I want) but it's implementation is somewhat lacking (I can watch some of what I buy, on some of my screens). I haven't quite got the point where I'm thinking "sod all this effort, I'll just torrent it", but I can certainly see why other people have (and I wouldn't condemn them for doing so - and this brings me back to my earlier point about the "illegal" service being far superior to the "legal" service, and why won't the content providers learn?).
poor logic and argument in bad faith
Ooh, you got me! I'd better rush home and put a drill through that hard-drive full of ill-gotten gains.