No Java, No Flash, no large images?
I'd buy that for a dollar!
1555 publicly visible posts • joined 28 Apr 2010
@Seajay But it isn't free web access in exchange for ads, is it? It's free access to the internet services that Facebook provides (Facebook, Whatsapp, etc.) which is anticompetitive. Whilst free access to a reduced service might sound appealing, when compared to no access to a full service, the truth is that the restriction of choice that it brings is anticompetitive and so likely to harm the interests of those consumers over the long term (by disadvantaging any potential competitors).
For Zuckerberg to claim that he's protecting net neutrality just shows what a brass neck he has.
I've given up trying to get my Mint install to print to our wireless HP printer - always prints with the colours misaligned, for some strange reason. Based on that, I've never attempted to get the scanner going!
Everything else is great, though, such that I rarely feel the need to boot it into Windows Vista, anymore (if someone could recommend an easy way of ripping and tagging CDs, I'd been happy as a pig in muck).
If there is, it'll probably be Mint. I've found the hardware support to have improved since I started using it (either that, or I've just become a more confident Linux user?). Where Windows does win, is that you'll almost certainly know someone who can help you out with your PC, in real life, but Linux will probably require searching online for the answer. I think that will change, however (and I've generally had no problem in finding answers to any issues by searching online).
I found a copy of The Thrilling Adventures of Lovelace and Babbage under the Christmas tree - it's a lovely book, and chock full of informative annotations.
This is a legitimate concern, but why does the response always have to be "let's kick out the foreigners" rather than "let's prosecute the employers who are knowingly employing those without leave to remain, and/or paying below minimum wage"?
Reading it back, the former is a more catchy slogan, I suppose.
That was kind of the point, wasn't it? The stories may have been set a long, long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, but the source of the stories wasn't sci-fi, only the setting was. Star Wars is never really about the technology (lightsabers are just swords, spaceships are just boats, fighters are just planes), it's just familiar stories given a sci-fi twist, and it really worked. Not for everyone, but there you go.
"uploading and distributing would still have been costing the legitimate music companies money"
is the same as
uploading and distributing would not have been making any money for the legitimate music companies
Apparently. Profit is the be all and end all, apparently - maybe the Ferengi are in charge?
I read (on Vice's Motherboard, I think) that he was presented with a list of charges, and decided to plead guilty to two of them. He's got of pretty lightly (the $147 paid to one of his victims is laughable).
Despite Mrs Moore's protestations, I think I can say with a degree of certainty that Hunter Moore is a dick.
A passing reference in the first episode of this series was all I turned up after a quick google. It was a bit like being expected to care about the kid with the tattoo, last week.
Confession: I nodded off twice during Heaven Sent. Aside from The Doctor having been replaced by a clone (I assume they'll come back to that?), this episode was a waste of time. I liked the matrix, though - still waiting for the Valeyard to reappear (unless you meant the Wachoski film, which is a couple of exciting set pieces, broken up by a load of boring waffle).
@h4rm0ny Fair point about not regenerating. Still, The Doctor is dead and is survived by his umpteenth clone.
for 2 billion years, whilst talking to himself. If the BBC intended this as an allegory for senility, it was spot on. Sadly, I fear it was intended as an exciting TV show for kids, and so it was really fucking boring.
It can't have helped that I have no idea what this "hybrid" business is about, nor why a "confession disk" is a tiny prison, nor why The Doctor was stuck inside it. Come to think of it, how did the disk make its way to Galifrey, given that Gallifrey was locked away where no one could reach it? And why didn't The Doctor regenerate when he burned his body to power the machine? So many unanswered questions - there should be a Red Button feature to future broadcasts that could explain these things as they become relevant.
Very much a Curate's Egg, these modern Doctor Who series (which probably isn't all that different from how it used to be, if I'm honest).
VR films strike me as a slightly silly idea (I've never been in the middle of a film and wished I could peer up at the boom mike), but I'd take issue with the claim that "producers in that industry absolutely do not want you watching anything else than what they want to show you" - if you've bought the Bluray/download/whatever, they've got your money, so why would they care that you spend 90 minutes watching a pot plant?
Better still, pick and standard and stick with it. I've bought 3 TVs and 1 PVR box in the last 5 years, I really don't fancy replacing them all. If Freeview shifts to DVB-T2, two of the TVs will stop working (they're small sets, so there's nothing to be gained from watching in HD over SD), and a move to HEVC would obsolete the lot in one fell swoop.
It'll be completely upgradeable, right up until someone starts to undercut them on the upgradeable parts, and it becomes necessary to change the shape of said parts so that they no longer fit into the upgradeable desk. Then they can convince your peers to laugh at your ownership of an Opendesk 1, whilst they're all using an Opendesk Air, or whatever.
See here. Don't know what it's like in the rest of the world, but I'd imagine it's much the same. Withholding my tax contribution would more accurately meet the definition of theft, than government taxation does.
Having read your reply to dan1980, I'm slightly worried that you might actually be serious.
Quite right, tax laws do need tightening up to eliminate this sort of behaviour, but it's going to require tremendous international cooperation to do it properly. It's not within the power of an individual government to fix, more's the pity.
"Tax is theft"
No, it isn't.
A nose around the XDADevelopers forum can usually turn up some fool-proof instructions, but I'd agree that the CyanogenMod site generally presumes a level of prior knowledge. Still, it's a lot easier than you'd think, and well worth a go - if you're considering chucking the device out, you've nothing to lose!