Shame they couldn't get it out before Christmas.
eReaders will probably be big sellers, this year (unsubstantiated, personal opinion).
1555 publicly visible posts • joined 28 Apr 2010
If your government is publishing data on the web that you'd rather they didn't publish, this is a matter between you and your government, not you and Google.
OK, complain to Google, as they might move more swiftly than the government (particularly if the information is putting you in danger), but it's still the government at fault, not Google.
for the love of god/buddha/vishnu/fsm, lock it down with as many validation rules and cell protection as is humanly possible.
Then, when it comes back with incomplete information, try and explain to the powers that be that you need a better way of collecting your data (even though you know the answer will be that there is no budget for this).
My kids like Batman. Series, such as The Batman and Batman Beyond aren't available on DVD in the UK. Given the technology available, why aren't WB making legal downloads available? I'd happily pay for them.
So long as record labels and film studios continue to push customers into the arms of pirates, their customers will forsake them for the pirates.
if Africa is rife with superstition, and has a very poor education system (and things are worse on the eastern cape), surely this is not racism, but a statement of facts?*
The judgement being made is not "eastern cape africans are stupid", but "africans living on the eastern cape are likely to be poorly educated and superstitious, and thus more likely to presume that noise in a mortuary is the work of the undead".
Isn't it?
*asuming these are the facts
and to interface with my digital camera to map faces on to the game characters. Ooh, look, a firewire port (containing lots and lots of dust).
Yeah, right. We only really find out the true potential of consoles when they near their end of life, and developers get used to pushing them the limit.
is an effort to make the films feel believable.
I've been watching a lot of cartoons, lately, and the old Spider-Man (not, not the Bakshi-era ones!) and the new Avengers are a million times more satisfying than any of the films, precisely because there's very little attempt at keeping things believable (or within the budget of a film!).
That said, I was left wanting more Bruce Wayne, and less Batman, in The Dark Knight. :¬/
is not necessarily the same as being unable to stand.
Besides that, I doubt it would take engineering genius to invent some way of propping up the rider of a Segway (I'm sure I've seen a similar device, perhaps concept only, a wheelchair that could raise the occupant into a standing position).
should be sold, in the UK at least, at the cost price of reproducing it (ie. the price of a blank casette/DVD/whatever), given that the content has already been paid for by the TV license.
Then again, the TV license is likely insufficient to adequately fund the BBC, so I don't really object to them selling their stuff.
A couple of comments on the footnotes, though:
1) could you please put the footnotes on the same page as the item which references them?
2) This: "No element of homophobia is implied. Rather, Anons append "fag" to the end of a term as a sign of disrespect for those who use "fag" and "gay" as pejoratives." Really? Would they like to use the n-word, too?