This, a thousand times over.
Why can't they just let it die?
1555 publicly visible posts • joined 28 Apr 2010
but it's much easier to opt out of having a Nectar card (you can still shop at Sainsburys) than it is to opt out of having an IP address (you can't use the internet). Given that being without a permanent address can effectively drop you out of society, is not hard to imagine that being without an IP address could eventually leave you in a similar position.
Provided that consumers do not believe that their £5 Rolek is an actual Rolex, there's no infringement.
I would imagine that the word SAMSUNG being emblazoned across the product, would probably dissuade all but the most well bunged members of the German judiciary, from believing this to be an iPad.
to be greeted by the new layout. The option to view either Top Stories or Latest News has been removed, so that I get Top Stories first, followed by Recent Stories, whether I want Top Stories or not (I don't, and never have).
Checking it again, now, and I have Recent Stories, followed by Earlier Today, which seems to be an exercise in inserting sub-headings where none are required.
the humane thing to do might be to shut down the warehouse until it's cooled down a bit. Would Amazon insist their workers keep going if the warehouse had flooded, or would they wait until the water had drained away?
Then again, given the statement that the workers were suffering from "non-work related medical conditions triggered by the heat," Amazon appear to believe that their workforce brought their troubles on themselves, suggesting that they don't really understand the concept of being "humane".
only took A/s Computers, so learnt about database design and spreadsheets (boooooring) whilst the A-level students got to learn PASCAL, or somesuch.
Bad decision on my part, but I was 16 at the time (and had just given up trying to teach myself AMOS). Whoever decided to drop "proper" IT from the curriculum, deserves a good shoeing.
Still not looking forward to doing battle with my own kids for control of our home network, though!
seem to do a good job of getting iPhone owners to
a) hang on to their iPhones and spend at the appstore
b) upgrade from one iPhone to the next.
They might gradually kill their own iPod market but, between the iPhone and the iPad, they appear to have their target market all sewn up.
The RAZR was a great bit of design, that still looked current (futuristic, even) when it became obsolete. iPhones now look generic, but that doesn't seem to matter.
Is capitalsim new to you? Most companies are in the business of making "as much money as possible", not "just enough to get by on". I'd imagine that it's quite possible to run a TV company on either subscriptions or adverts, but that doesn't stop Sky from having both.
If you choose to use Google as your Search Engine, then the results you get are those returned by Google's search/index process, not The Universal Truth About The Internet.
You don't like, you choose a different search provider. Were the UK govt. to run a search engine, that would have to be impartial, but Google are a private company, and I don't think that there's any legislation that binds them into returning any sort of approved results.
Still, look at all this free publicity for Brian Souter (who, by virtue of pursuing this, seems determined to let everyone know what a homophobe he is).