* Posts by Lamont Cranston

1555 publicly visible posts • joined 28 Apr 2010

Sonic the Hedgehog

Lamont Cranston

Re: Super Sonic (@Jared Hunt)

Damn, my childhood feels uttely wasted, now.

Lamont Cranston

Re: Super Sonic

No analogue sticks on the Megadrive, so he either ran of the edge, or he didn't.

What was the point of a invincible, super-speedy character, who could pretty much have just plowed through any of the early levels (just look at him, he should be the most awesome videogame character of all time!), if he only turns up once the precision jumps/disappearing platforms turn up?

All those years, and I'm still bitter...

Lamont Cranston

Re: Not enough Tails love

He's indestructable, and he can fly (with or without his plane) - so why is only the sidekick?

Lamont Cranston

Re: Super Sonic

Ugh, Super Sonic was a massive pain in the arse! All the gems, and then 100 rings transforms you, as I remember it, meaning that he was wont to show up in the later levels, usually when trying to navigate up the side of Robotniks plane (rocket, airship? I forget). His general inability to stop (he didn't touch the floor when he moved!), saw him regularly plunging off the side to his doom.

Stupid yellow prick.

Anons torn over naming 'n' shaming of 17yo's gang-rape suspects

Lamont Cranston


Having the police investigate all crimes to an acceptable standard, is indeed a laudable aim, but who put Anonymous in charge of determining the acceptable standard?

Protests outside the station, or online, strike me as an entirely appropriate response to a perceived insufficient investigation, but releasing the identities of the suspects would be uttetly irresponsible.

Malwarebytes declares Windows 'malicious', nukes 1,000s of PCs

Lamont Cranston

Testing updates prior to release

really does seem to have fallen out of fashion, in the software industry. Anyone know why, or is there just a general view that it's better to be seen to be busy, rather than actually being busy behind the scenes?

Researcher hacks aircraft controls with Android smartphone

Lamont Cranston

It's called SIMON,

and it can reset a plane's navigation coordinates? That's Die Hard 2 and 3 covered, then. Does it "schieß dem Fenster", for the hat-trick?

Another 170,000 Freeview homes to be freed from reality TV - possibly

Lamont Cranston

^ hung by my own typo.

The shame.

Lamont Cranston

@David Cantrell

Won't listen to a peace of furniture, but will take advice from Annihilator, it seems.

Oklahoma woman cuffed with loaded .22 in pork holster

Lamont Cranston

A Loaded magazine?

Didn't realise that was still in print.

News Corp challenges iPad with $299 education tablet

Lamont Cranston

Re: $99 contract?

Schools seem to love signing up to bullshit IT contracts. There are some signs that they might finally be waking up, but it'll be a long while before no-one thinks that forking out taxpayer money for old rope is a good idea.

Bacon sarnies can kill: Official

Lamont Cranston

Re: Right.

I'd rather die happy with a younger woman in my arms. Each to their own.

Reg readers brew up the ultimate cuppa

Lamont Cranston

Re: proper tea

How many jiggawatts does his kettle need?

Lamont Cranston

Re: @JDX (whisky & sex)

Are you some kind of lightweight?

Inside Lord Sugar's 'you're fired' YouView bust-up with TV baron

Lamont Cranston


Probably because Sky own all the rights to all of the Sport and Films, and then charge you for the privilege of letting them beam adverts into your home (ie. stuff you want, but don't want to pay for), whilst Desmond's 5 owns the rights to, umm, CSI and, er, Robson Greene's fishing rod, and doesn't charge you to watch (ie. stuff you don't want, but watch because you don't have to pay). All this makes Desmond seem positively benevolent, when compared with Murdoch.

Strategic SIEGE ROBOTS defeated by 'heavily intoxicated' man, 62

Lamont Cranston


Sounds pretty unpleasant, to me.

Barnes & Noble to sling their Nook - report

Lamont Cranston

Re: What???!

It's more like letting outside companies in to run the rides, but continuing to maintain the amusement park and selling hot-dogs (etc.) to the punters, which they can then take on the rides vomit down their fronts. Yeah, this analogy fell apart pretty fast.

Dell takes aim at iPad, uncloaks enterprise-level Win8 tablet

Lamont Cranston

Re: Wise words?

Red rag to a bull, was my first thought.

Time to rid ourselves of the tech channel zombies

Lamont Cranston

I've upvoted for the comments about local independents,

but couldn't disagree more about browsing on Amazon: with a decent sized, real bookshop, I used to love to wander in, either with or without an idea of what I wanted, mooch about, look over a few books, and either come out with something familiar, or a complete surprise. Online just doesn't work this way, as you need to know what you want before you start, and is thus a much less enjoyable experience (even if it is more efficient!).

Lamont Cranston

re: TIGHT!

Divorced, probably.

Rogue Squadron: Unit of X-wings Kickstarts in response to Death Star

Lamont Cranston

Re: on a serious point...

Or, this just proves that people will throw money at anything, if it says Star Wars on it. George Lucas has known this for a long time.

Tennessee bloke quits job over satanic wage slip

Lamont Cranston

"The company ought to find a way to cut him some slack."

The company have clearly found a way to make him go away. Good for them.

Playmobil punts bank-heist set to wide-eyed kiddies

Lamont Cranston

My friends and I were forever playing "Cops & Robbers" when we were young,

and it never did us any harm.

That said, all my money is tied up in the Cayman Islands, and I've been on the run for the last 15 years...

FUD flies as Raytheon reveals social media analysis tool

Lamont Cranston

Re: "99.999999% of the internet couldn't give a dead dingo's kidney"

Big Data must care, or why else would they be harvesting all this data?

'Why can't we say we're happy to be RIMmed on a daily basis?'

Lamont Cranston

Should I be worried about my "pancreas levels"?

I wasn't before, but maybe I've been neglecting them?

Sick software nasty uses child abuse pics to extort infected victims

Lamont Cranston

Re: Thought experiment


Lamont Cranston

Re: Paedoware

Can I upvote all of your post, but make an exception for the part where you advocate hanging people?

Hmm, I was going for "against capital punishment," but have managed "paedo-sympathiser," instead.

Lamont Cranston

Re: What about UK? (@aliceklaar)

That's a very disturbing quote, as it seems to require the accused to prove a negative (that the file in question was sent "without any prior request"), which is impossible.

We're not making this up: Apple trademarks the SHOP

Lamont Cranston

That drawing

looks just any mobile phone shop, yet I've never been in one and wondered where the Genius Bar(tm) was.

What a load of wank.

Customer service rep fired for writing game that mocks callers

Lamont Cranston

Re: "You do the math."

I want to upvote you more than once.

Symantec: Don't blame us for New York Times hack

Lamont Cranston

I do hope Symantec will be updating all their marketing blurb

to include something like "this product will not protect your PC from malicious code". Most AV vendors claim the opposite, so it'd be refreshingly honest of them, at least.

Axed staffers hijack HMV Twitter account: 'We're tweeting LIVE from HR'

Lamont Cranston
Thumb Down

Teenagers on the minimum wage?

Yeah, how dare they be less than enthused?

I always found HMV shop staff to be helpful and enthusiastic, if a little odd looking (when I worked in retail, turning up with a bad dye-job got me sent home!).

Lamont Cranston

"the company you dearly love"

I had a little chuckle at that, too.

I feel for anyone who is losing their job, but HMV was crap*, and should have gone/changed a long time ago.

*I doubt any of this is the fault of those being fired.

Reg Hardware Awards 2012: The Winners...

Lamont Cranston

If I were a more cynical man,

I'd think that Apple getting the Rusty Dodo was pure flamebait for the Forums.

Wii-U boat torpedoes Nintendo's '¥20bn profit' into ¥20bn loss

Lamont Cranston

Re: I own one!

I want one, now! Why aren't Nintendo selling the console like this? Backward compatibility is a plus (despite what Sony seem to think), and helping the little one to play Mario is a brilliant idea.

Lamont Cranston

@AC, Posted Wed 30th Jan, 16:49

I've had to downvote this, but only because you described the Wiimote as a "decent pointing device" - it really isn't: any game that involves pointing the Wiimote at the screen is about as rewarding as playing pin the tail on the donkey.

Lamont Cranston

Probably a bit early to write off the Wii-U, just yet,

but I don't really see a compelling reason to replace my existing Wii, so I'd expect the Wii-U sales to be rather sluggish (not seen much marketing, either).

Netbooks were a GOOD thing and we threw them under a bus

Lamont Cranston
Thumb Up

Couldn't you just charge your phones overnight, too?

Other than that, I agree wholeheartedly - netbooks were a good thing, and I don't really want to see them go.

Oh, those crazy Frenchies: Facebook faces family photo tax in France

Lamont Cranston

"You tax apple growers when they sell their apples, not when they take them from the tree."

Pretty sure that the apple growers wouldn't be able to move all their apples to Switzerland (or wherever it is that facebook chooses to do business from) before selling them.

Besides which, wages (and Income Tax) would constitute collecting revenue on picking the apples.

Holy classic car auction, Batman! They sold THE Batmobile!

Lamont Cranston

I always wondered what was missing from the Reg forums.

Turns out it was sweaty handed bankers. Who knew?

BT's shock new wheeze: Make phone calls from smartphones

Lamont Cranston

Gosh, what a lot of fuss this has caused!

I get my landline and broadband from BT, so this ought to be quite a useful service when combined with the free WiFi that I get bundled in with the other services. If not (and I've yet to even setup the WiFi access), well, I've not lost anything, have I?

Vibrator guru on pleasure tech: 'Of all the places you'd want a quality UI....'

Lamont Cranston

Ah, yes,

convince people that they need to buy your expensive gadget to acomplish what anyone with access to a couple of willing bodies can acomplish for free.

Would anyone be interested in this bottle of snake oil?

White House rejects Death Star petition: '$850qn too pricey'

Lamont Cranston


Tell me you didn't just mix Trek and Wars?

You did? Oh man...

Mozilla to Adobe: PDFs don't need no more steenking plugins

Lamont Cranston

I've probably still got the floppy disks for Word 6,

I'll post them over, if you like!

Lamont Cranston


I could never really come up with an answer to "Why don't they send it as a Word document? Everyone has Word!" Other than the fact the "everyone" had a pirate copy of Word.

New tool jailbreaks Microsoft Surface slabs in 20 SECONDS

Lamont Cranston


I hope it comes with Beats Audio.

Forget 3D: 13,000 UK homes still watch TV in black and white

Lamont Cranston

@ cornz 1

So, happy to watch BBC content, but resent paying for it? Did the reg commentards come up with the term "freetard" just for you?

Lamont Cranston

@ Simon Round

You forgot to blame Labour for the increase in living costs/wage stagnation.

Is this possibly the worst broadband in the world?

Lamont Cranston

Are the signs in/around Wormshill still subjected

to the witty vandalism that I so fondly remember from my youth?

Time has already run out for smart watches

Lamont Cranston

Re: Mens watches are jewelery

No they're not, they're a device for telling the time (and gradually falling out of favour, to be replaced by the ubiquitous mobile phone).

Would anyone who agrees with the statement that the watch "epitomizes prestige and is seen as an extension of the user’s personality and lifestyle/fashion sophistication" kindly step into the nearest meat grinder? Anyone who views their phone/car/TV/house/wife the same way, can form an orderly queue behind them.