Re: Super Sonic (@Jared Hunt)
Damn, my childhood feels uttely wasted, now.
1555 publicly visible posts • joined 28 Apr 2010
No analogue sticks on the Megadrive, so he either ran of the edge, or he didn't.
What was the point of a invincible, super-speedy character, who could pretty much have just plowed through any of the early levels (just look at him, he should be the most awesome videogame character of all time!), if he only turns up once the precision jumps/disappearing platforms turn up?
All those years, and I'm still bitter...
Ugh, Super Sonic was a massive pain in the arse! All the gems, and then 100 rings transforms you, as I remember it, meaning that he was wont to show up in the later levels, usually when trying to navigate up the side of Robotniks plane (rocket, airship? I forget). His general inability to stop (he didn't touch the floor when he moved!), saw him regularly plunging off the side to his doom.
Stupid yellow prick.
Having the police investigate all crimes to an acceptable standard, is indeed a laudable aim, but who put Anonymous in charge of determining the acceptable standard?
Protests outside the station, or online, strike me as an entirely appropriate response to a perceived insufficient investigation, but releasing the identities of the suspects would be uttetly irresponsible.
Probably because Sky own all the rights to all of the Sport and Films, and then charge you for the privilege of letting them beam adverts into your home (ie. stuff you want, but don't want to pay for), whilst Desmond's 5 owns the rights to, umm, CSI and, er, Robson Greene's fishing rod, and doesn't charge you to watch (ie. stuff you don't want, but watch because you don't have to pay). All this makes Desmond seem positively benevolent, when compared with Murdoch.
but couldn't disagree more about browsing on Amazon: with a decent sized, real bookshop, I used to love to wander in, either with or without an idea of what I wanted, mooch about, look over a few books, and either come out with something familiar, or a complete surprise. Online just doesn't work this way, as you need to know what you want before you start, and is thus a much less enjoyable experience (even if it is more efficient!).
Pretty sure that the apple growers wouldn't be able to move all their apples to Switzerland (or wherever it is that facebook chooses to do business from) before selling them.
Besides which, wages (and Income Tax) would constitute collecting revenue on picking the apples.
I get my landline and broadband from BT, so this ought to be quite a useful service when combined with the free WiFi that I get bundled in with the other services. If not (and I've yet to even setup the WiFi access), well, I've not lost anything, have I?
No they're not, they're a device for telling the time (and gradually falling out of favour, to be replaced by the ubiquitous mobile phone).
Would anyone who agrees with the statement that the watch "epitomizes prestige and is seen as an extension of the user’s personality and lifestyle/fashion sophistication" kindly step into the nearest meat grinder? Anyone who views their phone/car/TV/house/wife the same way, can form an orderly queue behind them.