Delete the lumps?
My kitchen doesn't have a "delete" button.
1555 publicly visible posts • joined 28 Apr 2010
Oh, alright then, The Cloud is a catch-all term for applications and services provided on distributed systems, as well as certain implementations of multi-site redundant server virtualisation, and file storage. Saying that something is "in the cloud" is roughly analogous to saying that it's "on the internet" - both terms are vague, but imply that "it" (be it a file or an application) is in a location away from the device, and accessible via the user's internet connection. The Cloud is also the brand name of a WiFi hotspot provider, but this is usually not what someone means when the refer to "The Cloud".
Bleh. That was a mouthful.
Quick, everyone down The Pub (but don't specify which one!).
but then I grew up.
Trolling aside, mandatory online, and no 2nd hand games, makes the XBoxOne sound repellent. The idea that you could use your credentials on a friends machine, to play for a whole hour, gave me a good laugh, though.
(and many that I've never heard of). All immaterial, though, as Bruce Campbell is on the list, and so I am compelled to vote for him, on the grounds that HE'S BRUCE CAMPBELL.
Actually, he might make for a pretty good Doctor. He might also make for a terrible Doctor, but who cares? HE'S BRUCE CAMPBELL.
I rather like Bruce Campbell.
Fine. Here you go:
1. Turn on grill
2. Whilst grill heats, put bread in toaster and brown slightly more than you intended
3. Burn hands whilst retreiving toast
4. Add sliced (grated, if you're an idiot) cheese* to one side of the toast**
5. Place toast, cheese side up, under the grill until it*** melts
6. Retreive toast, slice if desired, burn mouth on first bite.
*Yellow cheese is traditional, but reds can be used; nothing crumbly (they don't melt properly) and nothing veiny (the results will be bordering on the inedible); bendy cheeses are a possibility, but the results can be strange; all said, best stick with Cheddar.
**You may wish to preceede the cheese with some other toppings/sauces (a slice of ham is a good way to ensure that all the toppings slough off during the first mouthful) - my personal prefence is sliced chicken and jalapenos; you may also with to follow the cheese with a splash of worcestershire sauce (anything else would be an abomination).
***If anything other than the cheese is melting, you should probably lay off the microdots.
with a clock? 4 icons in the launcher? Candybar form, with rounded corners? A coloured back?
I take it that everyone from Apple to Samsung, through HTC, Nokia, and all the rest, will be lining up to murder this in court?
I do hope not. A decent, budget smartie can only be a good thing.
I'm not going to argue the case for omnipresent CCTV and such, but I have a feeling that it goes beyond hoping that those being filmed will fall over, so that the video can be uploaded to YouTube or posted to You've Been Framed.
People might be willing to accept the CCTV cameras, but why are you - yes, you with the smartphone - what are YOU looking at?
was an interesting idea, and this looks to be an extension of that (but primarily, or solely, a games machine, rather than a phone).
The thing that holds back Android games (in my view, at least) if the terrible controls - touch screen only is rubbish for anything beyond puzzlers like Angry Birds - so this is the obvious solution. Whether people want an Android machine for gaming, when the DS is already so dominant in the handheld sector, remains to be seen (my gut says that they don't, and this will go the way of the Lynx).
I forget who it was, but I had cause to phone a company who's hold music would be occassionally interrupted to let me know that I was "[n]th in the queue". All well and good, but I soon found out that the longest wait was when I was "next in the queue", suggesting that the whole thing was just an artificial countdown.
actual tickets, or human interaction, claiming that I'd failed to pay their parking charge. Pretty stupid process as, unless you remember to get a ticket from the machine, you can't prove that you paid.
Got it overturned, in the end, but I fully endorse any prankster who wants to give these idiots the run around.
To pick just two examples, Die Hard and The Avengers would both have been considerably less interesting if the bad guys were re-cast. To pick another two: Superman 2 and Beverly Hills Cop.
The British get the bad guy roles in Hollywood films because a) the British are the traditional enemy of the Americans (the War of Independence* was a pretty big deal) and b) British actors are better, whether they be giving a finely nuanced performance, heavy with pathos, or just chewing up the scenery at every available opportunity.
As much as I enjoyed the last Star Trek film, it's Cumberpatch that I'm most looking forward to watching, in this one.
*Not sure why they hate the French so much, though.