@ Kubla
The photo metadata can give away the device used, can it not?
Still, little chance of the law stepping in, so let's just cross our fingers that the stupid buggers manage to crash somewhere remote.
1555 publicly visible posts • joined 28 Apr 2010
with half the punters carrying large boxes down the escalators - what could possibly go wrong?
Having an open ticket office would have made things easier for me over the weekend, as then there would have been a human being on hand to explain that my travelling companions were not children, they were unpersons, and my making that mistake was why the ticket machine wouldn't sell to me at the expected price. What's better: reading all the fine print on a VDU, with a huffy queue building up behind you, or having a member of staff who knows exactly the ticket you need to buy? I've met my share of numpties through TfL, but I'd still rather argue with a numpty than ticket machine.
Being the age I am, Davidson, Baker (Colin), and McCoy are my Doctors - I have a particular fondness for McCoy, but that might have more to do with Ace and my hormone levels at the time. Regardless, I always enjoyed watching repeats of earlier series and it was always The Doctor, no matter which actor was playing him - I don't think they've ever miscast.
It's a crying shame that McGann never got to do any TV episodes, as he's a fantastic actor, and an excellent Doctor Who (judging by his audio work, and the recent mini episode). Thanks to the extend hiatus, the new Doctors just aren't my Doctors - my kids are just getting into it, now, so I'm hoping that will change.
Is there an icon for terminal fence sitting?
who didn't think much of The Doctor's Wife? The TARDIS being alive and having a mind of its own is a given, but I didn't need to see it turn into a person and have it and The Doctor express their love for each other. It's bad enough having all his companions fall in love with him, we don't need it from the bloody police box, too!
Here's hoping that Capaldi's Doctor can be more grandfatherly, and less teenage heart-throb.
"tweaked version of Debian Wheezy which guides the young user through assembling the machine"
Dad, how do I put this together? "Just boot it up and read the tutorials." How do I boot it up if I haven't put it together yet? "You need to read the tutorial." How do I get to the tutorial? "Boot it up and ... umm ... there was a little man ... in his hair ..."
I'm also looking forward to the text version of Snake.
You GO NORTH. You are in a room.
There is a NUMBER.
It is a NUMBER 3.
You EAT the NUMBER 3. You grow longer.
My experience so far is as follows:
- Having not used any similar services before, I think it's quite good, but I wouldn't spend money on it.
- Playlists are a fine idea, but cannot be reordered, and don't play back in the order they were compiled.
- Many tracks drop out during the first few seconds of playback, whether on 3G, WiFi, or cached copy.
- Choice is good, but not comprehensive, so it's easy to not find the track I'm after (or end up with a cover version).
What's "vinyl"?
There are plenty of interesting local stations, but they either serve a tiny market, or operate without a license (so far as I could tell - I had some fantastic drum'n'bass station cut in to my DAB rebroadcast when my car went over the QEII bridge, and I'm assuming that the hyperactive loon, clearly broadcasting out of his shed, responsible didn't have a license).
Shunting the large commercial operators onto DAB would free up the FM space, and probably deal a death-blow to the identikit chart pop stations, which is win-win, in my book.
Plenty of good actors in that film, hampered by a shitty script, and a director with no ability to draw decent performances from any of them.
Ian McDiarmid seemed to be enjoying himself, mind (a bit like Raul Julia in Street Fighter!).
Drop the kiddi-ness? Who do you think the primary audience for these films are?
They'd do better to make it more kid friendly - take away all the tedious political bollocks, the prequel trilogy is probably halfway entertaining (maybe not).
Disney know what they're doing, so it'll probably wind up like the last Iron Man film: a 2hr toy advert, with plenty of spectacle. Unlikely to win any Oscars, but a fine accompaniment to a bucket of popcorn.
My wife got groped on the tube, a few years back. She was quick enough in turning round to catch him in the act, foisting upon him the look that she normally reserves for unruly pupils. Much more effective than thumping him one.
Doubt I'd find it so amusing if it'd been anything more serious, mind.
I would hope that the presence of Microsoft in the phone OS market would drive its competitors to greater innovation. It'd be nice to think that Microsoft/Nokia are also innovating, in order to increase their desirability among consumers (pointless sniping aside, I'd expect that they are).
Pretty meaningless statement. Isn't it more noteworthy that he set up ghost accounts to listen to his tracks, and thus make them popular? The fact that the tunes were utter gash, is neither here nor there - most of the charts is utter gash, to me, but someone likes it (unless they're all ghosts too?).