Some of us already walk around in PVC jumpsuits.
Mine's the PVC one (naturally)
7 publicly visible posts • joined 26 Apr 2010
I always maintained that Apple Mice were designed for people without opposing thumbs - those of us with the use of all our digits can handle more than one button. Obviously Jobby is continuing with his secret eugenics program to reshape humanity in a more Apple-friendly form.
And it were great - I did actually wet myself slightly but only cos the Q&A was too long and I'd had a beer. Series 4 is starting in June, but they were told as they finished filming that they were getting a fifth one so all good.
All I can say is, I didn't think being a roleplayer could have been any uncooler until I watched one of the new episodes.
I'm ashamed, don't look at me.
"The parallel X-51 WaveRider scramjet project, intended to deliver hypersonic jet engines able to run on normal-ish hydrocrabon fuel rather than troublesome hydrogen, has been delayed into this year."
Perhaps they should start researching hydroCARBON fuels instead - they'll no doubt have much more luck finding that.