* Posts by turnkit

1 publicly visible post • joined 25 Apr 2010

Google Street View logs WiFi networks, Mac addresses


why is Google NOT collecting 3D sonar along with the photography (or are they)???

I was looking at street view the other night researching some old family photos trying to place where an old photo was taken. I knew the city and the building number but not the street name.

It struck me that with all this money being spent to drive every street, WHY ISN'T GOOGLE COLLECTING 3-DIMENSIONAL (3-D) SONAR DATA ALONG WITH PHOTOS???

With 3D sonar and really smart programmers they could re-create building outlines in 3D within Google maps, sell the data for video games, and more importantly, for really spooky stuff: we could search on the image of a building facade and find all the buildings in a city that look just like it. Drop in your vacation photos and Google Image Location Finder could help tell you where you were.

You guys that are worried about the power of computers and the power of people to find you or find information have no idea of the power that is coming in the future. Please stop fighting the inevitable and learn to ways to embrace the utility of it and yet still create a safe society, create safety laws that respect our society's need to use information technology.

Asking people to stop collecting and analyzing what is already publically see-able, smell-able, hear-able just defers out ability as a society to take advantage of information technologies.

Why isn't Google taking pollution level samples while they are at it? They are already driving around? Perhaps politicians would not want to be aware that sort of information either.